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  1. vdrum4250

    sorry not at this time

    sorry not at this time
  2. vdrum4250

    diy silent compressor

    silent aire
  3. vdrum4250

    Transfer tip

    I felt the same..
  4. vdrum4250

    Our 2nd Homes

    yeah,, show em off..
  5. vdrum4250

    Our 2nd Homes

    post a pick of your collection... please
  6. vdrum4250

    Transfer tip

    learn new things. awesome. Thanks all for sharing.
  7. vdrum4250

    Transfer tip

    dark or light? does it matter?
  8. vdrum4250

    Transfer tip

    i find if you shake it more it helps, i think it has sat awhile.. maybe has settled
  9. vdrum4250

    Transfer tip

    also try 1:3 damar to lighter fluid. easier to work with and thinner layer
  10. vdrum4250

    Transfer tip

    be careful with hairspray on paper .. your rollers can get messed up quick in your laser printer.. if you want your parchment paper to roll in the laser tape leading edge to regular paper so it pulls the parchment with it..
  11. vdrum4250

    ceramic laps usable on both sides?
  12. vdrum4250

    diy silent compressor

    i set it to be 120 psi. i use lindsay at 30psi, so it plenty.. these compressors can go even higher, but have to make sure you have the correct safety valves and tank that can handle it.
  13. vdrum4250

    diy silent compressor

    made from a mini fridge compressor... super silent
  14. vdrum4250

    Heel sharpening question

    this video is nice explanation of heels
  15. vdrum4250

    Which sharpening template? use this with dual angle fixture...magic happens
  16. vdrum4250

    Duel Angle indexing simplified and this will help also
  17. vdrum4250

    Heel sharpening question

    #2 looks like parallel heel. #1 i think is the other way, not sure the name of it..
  18. vdrum4250

    Which sharpening template?

    116 good start
  19. vdrum4250

    Which sharpening template?
  20. vdrum4250

    Make vise spin easier

    really not suppose to rotate on the rubber tire. unlock the vise itself. should be a bolt in a hole that allows the top half to spin on lower half

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