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  1. W

    I'm assuming you guys (and gals) have a sense of humor...

    My wife got me an assortment of googley eyes...I couldn't help myself
  2. W

    Wasn't sure where to introduce myself (new member)...lots of progress pics

    Yeah, the oxide layer from heat coloring is WAY thicker, but you're limited to the low range bronze/purple/blue for the most part.
  3. W

    Wasn't sure where to introduce myself (new member)...lots of progress pics

    Thanks guys, I didn't realize the process was so foreign over here. I've been doing selective anodizing for years, here's a link to a thread with a ton of pics by me: The basics are simple, using something as a resist to...
  4. W

    Wasn't sure where to introduce myself (new member)...lots of progress pics

    Started doing some knotwork on an A.G. Russell Funny Folder last night. The titanium actually cuts pretty nicely, and I'm looking forward to playing around with the anodizing:D
  5. W

    Engravable money clips, Kay chains for practice source?

    I like that, gonna try it on the next one:)
  6. W

    Engravable money clips, Kay chains for practice source?

    I've been using these stainless "dog tag" blanks I ordered from McMaster's...I hot glue them to a block for cutting.
  7. W

    Question: Engravers Cafe vs Engraving Bench - Hand Engraving Tips & Techniques

    Just a newbie here, but not to forums...I greatly prefer this format. I technically have a Facebook account, but never use it...whereas I check my various forums a couple times a day.
  8. W

    Wasn't sure where to introduce myself (new member)...lots of progress pics

    One for the wife with her initials... ~Chip
  9. W

    Wasn't sure where to introduce myself (new member)...lots of progress pics

    It's a Blackjack model 4 that I did a full flat regrind on. ~Chip
  10. W

    Wasn't sure where to introduce myself (new member)...lots of progress pics

    Not your typical fare, but I'm getting some practice in at work...cutting valve ID tags to replace missing ones around the plant:)
  11. W

    Wasn't sure where to introduce myself (new member)...lots of progress pics

    Pocketed out the backsides .060" each for a 1/4"x1" neodymium magnet
  12. W

    Wasn't sure where to introduce myself (new member)...lots of progress pics

    Thanks John, but I like the color from the coating on these...and I can just cold blue the background, lol;) Take two...
  13. W

    Wasn't sure where to introduce myself (new member)...lots of progress pics

    In hindsight, non-hardened washers would be way
  14. W

    Wasn't sure where to introduce myself (new member)...lots of progress pics

    Thanks Allan, this is just a progress pic...far from finished. As you say, clean up and recut then start carving out the background;)
  15. W

    Northern California, about halfway between Sacramento and San Francisco.

    Northern California, about halfway between Sacramento and San Francisco.
  16. W

    Wasn't sure where to introduce myself (new member)...lots of progress pics

    Finally got around to finishing the other side (really need flat black, the satin makes it look like it's not fully stippled). Also found time to put pencil to paper a bit:) ~Chip

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