Search results

  1. Chujybear

    Large sharpening wheel

    Hi. probably a question for those doing knife work here. mom looking for a large wheel for sharpening knives. I have a tormek which has a 9” wheel. I’m looking for something at least 15” Do wheels like that still get manufactured? bigger is fine too.
  2. Chujybear

    What to do in Berlin ?

    I have two weeks in Berlin while I attend a show that I have been involved in at the Humboldt Forum. Are there any stops I should make while I’m here? Engraving related, or otherwise?
  3. Chujybear

    Pitt Rivers museum Guns

    Just visiting Oxford again for research and other work. min not here to look at guns, but of course there is a lot of guns and other arms to see.
  4. Chujybear

    Microscope depth of field

    I tried to fake the new Leica a60 system with its depth of field by adjusting the aperture in the ocular lens with some copper washers. Obviously this is not where the constricted aperture is because all I got was a coppery artaifact in my field of view. Anybody with the a60, can you see the...
  5. Chujybear

    Anybody recognize these hammers.

    Hi all. Years back I acquired a lot of jewellery tools. There were other bits and bobs in the pile: clay tools, some sewing stuff, some watch tools. So I’ve had these hammers for a while. The head appears to be aluminum with some sort of fill in it. I think the big one is lead. The little...
  6. Chujybear

    Knife steels engraveable?

    Hi. I’ve been around for a while. And seen this question come up quite a bit, with the usual answer being that one should probably not bother. But I don’t know if it has been asked this precicely, so: How are the steels 1085, 1095, and 15n20 to engrave? Would love to hear from anybody who...
  7. Chujybear

    Hammer head, fungus man, thunderbird and Pettigrew falcon

    What keeps me up at night. A jumble of fairly unrelated things, because that's just my life. Some sketching on hammer head. A set of mushroom knives and pendant w coat of arms (Haida styles) depicting two thunderbirds, the mountain, the river, and the ocean, and where the water mixes, also...
  8. Chujybear

    Question: Fix turning for small sculpture

    Fixturing for small sculpture I am working, doing the embroidery (engraved details) on a small totem pole that I carved. I am using something like the decammalis wood blocks in my vise. This allows me to turn the piece and access the sides, as well as, somewhat, get my Gravers in and carve...
  9. Chujybear

    200 mm objective equivalancy

    What would be the equivalent to an f 200 objective? F400? I believe .5 is f 175. I'd like to know if I'm wrong on that account to. Thanks, if anybody knows how this works. G Not applicable here. But fyi. I have used a 6, Or maybe it was -6 diopter as a workable objective...
  10. Chujybear

    Stone Ribs Pole, bronze

    I'm just waiting for some pictures to load... just figured out how to load to a post from file.. al least i think i have. this is for Marrinan, who was asking for some images. this is my last project that i have finished. it i an eight and a half fooot bronze pole that i cast from a...
  11. Chujybear

    Some fun on 22kt

    Ya I never post. Turns out its easier than I thought. (All assuming the attachment works). Bracelet done for my brothers wife. Slightly outside of my usual fair. Just a bit of mostly straight engraving.
  12. Chujybear

    Heat treating after inlay

    I understand that those of you working on guns will do all of your finishing work, including inlay, before shipping it out for various surface treatments. I am assuming that this does Not include any hardening. That's my question I guess.. I have had a few Damascus blades made, which...
  13. Chujybear

    8" lap on grs powerhone?

    Hi. I have the power hone for sharpening my tools. My collection of Laps is a mush mash from over the years. Among my laps I have a few eight inch laps. I'm going to by some backing plates (resin, I believe) for my laps. My question is- is there any reason not to use the eight inch...
  14. Chujybear

    Question: grs positioning vise

    there a video of the grs positioning vise in action? how much travel does it have from one extreme to the other? does it travel along one axis? and if so is that axis perpendicular to to opening of the jaw? thank you:thinking:
  15. Chujybear

    Leica mz6 objective

    Have assembled a pretty mean mz6 over the years. Had ground down a lens to serve as an objective, but that went missing in a move. I always scour around for the correct lens, but.... Was wondering if anybody with an m series Leica, or a wild ms5, have found that any other brands of objective...
  16. Chujybear

    My first work as a curator : erotica

    Besides the labels that I engraved for my pieces, and a couple jewlery pieces in the show, this might be considered off topic. But I am riding the high coming off opening night of a show that I have been working on for the last year. Erotica on the northwest coast. Something that has...
  17. Chujybear

    Two questions: optimum steel, and leaf spring oil harden?

    Hello. I'm sure my first question has been covered adnausium, but I haven't found the particular answer in the archives. But please forgive me. 1• I would like to solicit opinions on the best carbon steel for a knife ( in this case I would be making a kitchen knife) that results in a...
  18. Chujybear

    Vice jaws

    What do you call the type of jaw that goes on a ball vice? Is it a centering chuck? Isn't coming up with quite what I'm after in search queries... Anybody out there know the correct term that is escaping me? Thanks
  19. Chujybear

    Question: Puk 3/Orion vs laser

    Hello. I have neither. However I do pay for laser work to be done on some pieces of jewellery. I have made use of the laser on sterling cuff repairs, where there is a worry about losing my temper. And on fine gold sculpture, where gold welding would cause serious risk of annealing. I...

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