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  1. S

    Scrimshaw: Thanks for teh research help

    A while back I asked for help on some research for a project. My customer wanted an elephant hunt scene from the15th or 16th century. The criteria was an Arab type figure on horseback keeping the attention of the elephant while a second figure approaches from behind and hamstrings the animal. I...
  2. S

    I need research help

    Hi Everyone, I have an order that I am researching , and I need some help. My customer described an elephant hunt scene from the 15th or 16th century. He read about this hunt in a book on hunting. He mentioned Wilbur Smith and Sir Samuel Baker as possible authors. It could also be in a book...
  3. S

    Civil War

    Over the last year I’ve had several orders for Civil War scenes, so I thought I’d share some of my working photos from these. The knife commemorated a customer’s ancestor and the reverse ribbon shows the regiments he belonged to. The other photos are from a pair of pool cues. (Each band on...
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    New Scrim Order

    It only took three years, collaboration with 2 other people, and finally I got it finished. Thought I'd share a photo. This customer lives for duck hunting! I just added a few new things to my website: Look at Jewelry, Fine Art, and my how-to DVD.
  5. S

    Help, please: cameras,

    I was reading a thread on new cameras, and am interested in the canon g 12. but no one posted any shots taken with one and I was wondering how it did for close up detail. I currently use an olympus camedia c-3000. At only 3.3 megapixelss it's a dinosaur in today's market, but it takes great...

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