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    Someone with more knowledge might jump in and correct me, but I initially focus at the highest magnification, then drop to the lowest magnification and adjust the right eyepiece. I might go back and forth a few times to get the right eyepiece as clear as possible, and then I don’t intentionally...
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    Question: c-max carbide grade

    I’ll start by saying that I am a hobby engraving novice so I know virtually nothing! My very limited understanding of carbide tools comes from experience with using carbide tooling in lathe and milling machine work. For interrupted cuts, carbide has a greater tendency to chip when compared to...
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    Question: c-max carbide grade

    This chart may give some insight into carbide tool grade applications. My guess is that suitability for interrupted cuts would be important to avoid chipping.
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    One year to Master?

    Mike576, I couldn’t agree more. I took up engraving as a hobby, so I only engrave for the joy of it. I engrave almost every day in order to improve, but I have no plans to go overboard and lose the enjoyment that it brings.
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    One year to Master?

    I recall reading that thread and thinking “go for it.” All I know is that after a year, I’m just getting to the point of not being horribly embarrassed by my attempts at engraving.
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    Graver Sharpening Help (please)

    As a fellow rookie, I‘ll pass on that I settled on stainless steel fender washers for practice. The ones I use are about the size of a half-dollar and the layout generally looks something like this:
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    Reversing graver sharpener.

    Sounds like you solved the problem.
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    Reversing graver sharpener.

    Ken, I still use the drill press method for turning diamond discs, so you are ahead of me with your equipment. Using a post type fixture, I can swing my graver from about the 4 o’clock position on the disk to about the 7 o’clock position. At 4 o’clock the disk is feeding into the graver, and...
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    Reversing graver sharpener.

    I looked at one of the Andu units on YouTube and noted that the back was marked as DC current. Do some research, but I think you should be able to reverse the wires leading to the switch or to the motor to change the direction of rotation.
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    Mild steel practice plate rust

    I read that article a few years ago and have been using WD 40 Specialist Rust Inhibitor ever since. It is good stuff!
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    Ramblings of a Rookie: making a square-hole collet

    Allen, I saw those, but wasn’t sure how repeatable they would be as tools were inserted and removed for sharpening only. If the DIY project hadn’t worked out, that was going to be the next thing tried.
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    Ramblings of a Rookie: making a square-hole collet

    Thanks Allen. My purchase of a fixture that required collets was a rookie mistake! I was surprised that no one makes collets for 3/32” square gravers, so I had to adopt.
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    Ramblings of a Rookie: making a square-hole collet

    A month or so ago I bought a graver sharpening fixture that uses collets. The problem was that I am using square gravers and a DIY pneumatic hand piece that does not use collets. I found that making a collet with a square hole is actually not very difficult. While I used a lathe to make one, I...
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    best way to sharpen beginner

    Thanks Allan, I’ll have to try the wood trick.
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    best way to sharpen beginner

    Thanks Allan, I should have mentioned that one reason for the cheap gravers is so that I wouldn’t feel horrible if I mess one up while learning to sharpen. I am currently using a 120 degree DIY templet that is functional, but not great.
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    best way to sharpen beginner

    I am a novice, and the cost of starting has been a concern. I have expensive gravers, and cheap ones. Honestly, I am not good enough to tell the difference. These are the cheap ones...
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    Ramblings of a Rookie

    To further my “Ramblings of a Rookie” list of things I have learned, it seems that the pesky curl that always gets in the way can tell a lot. The curl seems to be best indicator of the depth and uniformity of a cut. By paying attention to the curl during the cut, it is easy to see if the cut...
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    Ramblings of a Rookie

    Thanks for adding surface preparation to the lessons learned Crossbolt. That is something that I had not thought about, and that I need to pay more attention to!
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    Ramblings of a Rookie

    I started engraving six months ago after many years of interest in the art. However, before putting a graver to metal, I spend at least a year drawing scrolls, and reading anything I could find on the internet. For others just beginning this journey, I’d like to share some of the bits of...
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    American Arms

    Beautiful engraving! This is a link to tests of rust prevention products that might be of interest:

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