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  1. R

    an alternative to cast iron and ceramic laps for minihones

    Hi, while browsing the net for 50-60mm ceramic discs for my DIY mini hone, I had an idea. Instead of using a hard ceramic disc for graver polishing, I could use a hard anodized aluminum disc. The anodized layer is aluminum oxide, almost as hard as sapphire or ruby. Fortunately, I have a stock...
  2. R

    What material ist the „ceramic wheel“ made of?

    Hi, I want to add a „ceramic“ wheel to my minihone. I use 50 mm wheels. Does anybody know what the original „ceramic wheel“ ist made of? The price suggests some high tec ceramic, like aluminum oxide or zirconium oxide. I could probably order a 50mm wheel made from such material to my...
  3. R

    3D illusion engraving

    Hi folks, ready for some abstract engraving? Normally I don‘t dare to post my work, as it‘s jewelry and I‘m not gifted on the (hand drawing) artistic side. But with the help of Procreate‘s Liquify option I created a pattern that surprised myself when it was engraved. If you look at the first...
  4. R

    A working Brother printer transfer method

    I’ve finally found a transfer method that works with my Brother laser printer. Brother’s laser toner is notorius for unreliable aceton or Dammar transfers. The advantages of my method are: no printer or toner modification, no expensive transfer paper or plastic sheet, no paper fibers left on the...
  5. R

    innovative german workholding system for irregular 3D shapes

    Saw today an innovative workholding system for irregular 3D shapes. I put a coaxial connector in it just to demonstrate the principle. see picture. All the pins are spring loaded, you put your workpiece in and thighten a bit. The pins will conform to the surface. And now, you can lock the pins...
  6. R

    Silver Bookmark

    Hello, Here’s a picture of a silver bookmark I engraved after the Vectornator design I recently posted in “Digital art”. I’m aware that it’s far from perfect and is also far away from the styles of gun or knife engraving. Cheers Ralf
  7. R

    Scrollwork design with Vectornator

    Hi, here’s my first attempt at scrollwork design with Vectornator. I did not strictly follow a specific style, just doodling away. Vectornator has a function for spirals which makes decent backbones. I used 70% as spiral parameter for them, that fits the golden spiral best. The beauty cuts are...
  8. R

    Question: Tricks for flare cutting?

    Would it be OK to wet the graver with some oil for flare cutting? My high speed steel gravers cut considerably faster with oil. Using a turntable, do you normally grab the vise or the turntable when turning it? Best regards, Ralf

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