pneumatic graver

  1. S

    thicker wire inlay - should I stick with hand tools or get a pneumatic graver?

    Hello, looking for advice on this topic. I should preface this by saying I am a blacksmith doing inlay work on steel pretty much exclusively. I practice a kind of niche Japanese inlay style known as Kaga-Zogan. The problem is is that it's.. very slow. And as I'm maybe 75% self taught I'm...
  2. C

    Help, please: Looking for advice on choosing an engraving system

    Hello everyone, I’m new (new, like I know nothing at all) to engraving and I thought this would be the best place to look for wisdom. I’ve gone through many of the threads and I found the engraver’s club has numerous resource personals are under one roof and I hope I’m at the right...
  3. R

    Help, please: searching Pneumatic graver'e eqivalent

    Please help me find any equivalent pneumatic graver (like air graver by Lindsay).. will be of great help if its cheaper than Lindsay.. :thinking: