
Elite Cafe Member
Nov 16, 2018
https://photos.app.goo.gl/7QAF1u7vrJG1Eqyw8 I started engraving in Dec 2018, I also have been a collector of vintage and custom Guitars, One of these small Boutique Company's in Israel that I have done a lot of Business with was and still is really instrumental ( No pun intended ) in helping me as I continue to Grieve my Wifes Passing 20 months ago ,I thought I would try and make them a small token of appreciation , I wanted to test my skills ,I realize that the design is very simple and that it does in fact Not have much actual engraving on it as far as Scroll work Leaves etc,, But I put a lot of work into the design to make it meaningful in a way to them as well as myself. The pick is inlaid with 24 K and 22 K gold to give it 2 differant colors and a bit of a differant look than just looking like a gold stamp, The border ring is copper inlay and the B&G engraving in the center of the pick is just an outline of their Logo filled in by a diamond pointed stippling tool to give it some flash, than I put a high polish on it, I need to start showing stuff and hearing criticism so sock it to me guys, Most all mistakes that you see I've already spotted and have made notes on ways not to duplicate them in the future.


:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Jan 10, 2007
That's just a wonderful piece of work and it was great to see the process it went through to completion. Love the gold inlay in the pick and the border especially.

This is one of those times when the empty space is very powerful and puts the focus on the guitar pick and the gratitude behind its creation; just where it should be.

The photos of the Lindsay tools was a bonus to us airgraver fans.

We all go through very tough times, some a lot tougher than others. I always felt lucky that I had my engravers bench to go to, turn on the headphones and shut out everything but the work in front of me. It didn't take away the pain of loss, but for a few hours it made the world make a little bit more sense.



Jul 15, 2009
https://photos.app.goo.gl/7QAF1u7vrJG1Eqyw8 I started engraving in Dec 2018, I also have been a collector of vintage and custom Guitars, One of these small Boutique Company's in Israel that I have done a lot of Business with was and still is really instrumental ( No pun intended ) in helping me as I continue to Grieve my Wifes Passing 20 months ago ,I thought I would try and make them a small token of appreciation , I wanted to test my skills ,I realize that the design is very simple and that it does in fact Not have much actual engraving on it as far as Scroll work Leaves etc,, But I put a lot of work into the design to make it meaningful in a way to them as well as myself. The pick is inlaid with 24 K and 22 K gold to give it 2 differant colors and a bit of a differant look than just looking like a gold stamp, The border ring is copper inlay and the B&G engraving in the center of the pick is just an outline of their Logo filled in by a diamond pointed stippling tool to give it some flash, than I put a high polish on it, I need to start showing stuff and hearing criticism so sock it to me guys, Most all mistakes that you see I've already spotted and have made notes on ways not to duplicate them in the future.
That is nice work, Ed! I am so sorry to learn of the loss of your wife.


Staff member
::::Pledge Member::::
Feb 11, 2007
washington, pa
the pick is a very fitting gift. great looking, and a practical piece. your loss is tough to endure. many never realize the blessing that others bring to life. that is until they're no longer with us. we all wish you strength and peace in your heart.


May 11, 2021
Humboldt Ca.
Frist off sorry for your loss. Second I hope to be doing work this good in 6 months. Looks like it must have been hard to keep the inside inlay so straight . I looked up B&G guitars they look sweet. One thing I did see is may be they could use you to come up with some nice metal work for there high end stuff . So you a P90 guy or humbuckers? A good guitar can get you through a lot . It helped me when I lost my dad.


Elite Cafe Member
Nov 16, 2018
Frist off sorry for your loss. Second I hope to be doing work this good in 6 months. Looks like it must have been hard to keep the inside inlay so straight . I looked up B&G guitars they look sweet. One thing I did see is may be they could use you to come up with some nice metal work for there high end stuff . So you a P90 guy or humbuckers? A good guitar can get you through a lot . It helped me when I lost my dad.
Thank you for the kind reply, I actually have or should I say had ,both types of pick ups but I prefer Humbuckers most would have to say, as far as engraving for their high end stuff we’ve discussed possible custom engravings on the brass pick guards as an option but haven’t really went to deep into it, maybe with COVID restrictions relaxing some we’ll bring it up again, shipping international was a real nightmare for a while there, thanks again

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