Elite Cafe Member
I bought this one at an estate sale. It didn't have any of the guts but I bought it anyway. I figured that I would buy the parts and get it close enough to send to the gunsmith. Well, I found out that it doesn't work like that for this gun! Anyway, I hand fit all of the parts and now after much head scratching I have a working pistol. Probably took 20 to 25 hours to get it all figured out. There isn't much information about the workings on the internet. What is out there is just people repeating what they heard somewhere else about what a dog this gun is and how impossible it is to work on. I think the reputation is a little exaggerated, and made worse by people who don't know what they are talking about. I think I will leave this one alone now, although if I did shoot it and break it, I could certainly fix it. I hope to find another cheap Colt soon!