Been gradually working my way through these. All the kershaw folders are for a guy who's going to try to sell them. The others I engraved for fun and to have something to display and sell at shows.
The big pearl fixed blade was made by my Knife making teacher Adam Parker. I engraved it there and then we put the handles on after heat treat. Waiting on myself to learn bolino and more skill to do the bolsters so that it's as good as it can be
Dani, very nice work my untrained eye only sees one line out of place also one piece that looks like it was not relieved (no background ) but it could be me I think my favorite is the big fixed blade but I am biased as fixed blades are a favorite only negative is not engraving related green scales just don't catch my eye! Beautiful work!
Wonderful work. All of them. The Kershaw's seem to need a better finish before you start your artwork. If they are the TI coating I understand or if the budget wont allow I can understand but it is your reputation not the knife seller's. Your work speed is very fast. It has only been two or three weeks since you presented another group of them. Are you setting up at custom knife shows or where? Impressive work. Will go through them more carefully when I have the time to provide a more critical eye.-Fred
I have started learning about metal finishing Fred, but the wood I don't know much about yet. I tried to touch up the finish on the metal before engraving, and after... though I know I shouldn't... but I didn't really know how and budget was tight so I just engraved them and if he wants I can take them to a real knife maker for a touch up in May when I see him at the Melbourne knife show. I hope he's happy though. Look forward to your imput Fred.
ok, Dani- here's my 2 cents (or pence, or whatever you'd say down under):
pick ONE or TWO of those that you think are your best and let us comment on them. you've given us a torrent when we'd both be better served by a trickle. at a glance, my favorite is the small knife in the second photo.
Very nice work. In my quick overview I don't see any glaring faults, and some of your leaf fold treatments are quite inspired. You do very nice work indeed.