brand bracelet


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Jan 16, 2008
Conrad, MT
Darn nice work Shawn. You must know a few high rollers to be cutting your second gold bracelet, and Yogo's to boot. Good job and thanks for posting. SEth


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
May 22, 2008
Laurel, Montana, United States
thanks guys.

In the late 1800's, Jake Hoover was mining for gold on Yogo Creek. He found pretty blue pebbles in his gold sluice box. Thinking that they might have some value, Jake sent a cigar box of them to Tiffany and Company for identification. They told him that his blue pebbles were indeed high quality sapphires. It turned out that these Yogo sapphires had more value than the gold that Jake had sought. Jake never made his fortune from his discovery, but a fortune in the sapphires would be mined until the mines close in 2004.

More rare than diamonds, the Yogo sapphires today rank among the finest natural sapphires in the world. Yogo sapphires are found in a remote Montana location. In Montana, known as The Treasure State, the sapphire is the state gemstone. The Yogo sapphire is one of the world's only natural and totally untreated sapphires. They were formed deep in the earth. Never needing to be enhanced in any way, the Yogo sapphire is truly rare. Yogo sapphires do come in a range of colors, from finest blue to violet. All of the colors of Yogo are totally natural. This gem is also of premium internal clarity, almost always being nearly flawless.