Looks nice Barry. Seems like the size of a wide ring I'm working on for a similar sculpted / carved / hammered project. And I started thinking I'm a lazy person.
So thanks telling the time you spend on this.
Often no ones tell about the time spent on a particular job, and perhaps time is not that important, but sure it is when making some money to pay the bills.
Thanks JJ. . .
Jesse, I draw the main scroll line on with felt pen and wing the rest.
Although when I worked with Dan Goodwin in the 80's he taught me a number of transfer methods, and I used them a lot at first, as I got it stuck in my head what I was trying to do, I transfered scroll less and less.
These days on the rare occasion I transfer scroll it is mostly ink tranfers on scope rings, because they must be identical.
I cut the scroll lines and leaves and before I shade it, I rub John Barroclough's old favorite speedball 3450 ink into the lines, pick it up with transparent tape and transfer to each ring, let the ink dry, or bake it dry, and then cut the rings all at once, then shade them all, and that way they match up quite well.
Often I transfer scenes, either acetone photcopy transfers or cronite machine.
Arnaud, you are very welcome, I am quite slow with this carved stuff, I hope to improve my speed on it.
Thanks Barry for showing your way, I think I would do it using a graver, would need less practice for me and perhaps faster as I'm not used to do it this way, and never saw a file like that. Yes I could make a file like that first of course.
Yes Andrew, it looks easy once you know how, hehe.
Arnaud, the file is a checkering file from Brownells, it really is a huge time saver which provides perfect spacing. I have done them with just a graver, but they take longer and look worse.
Great photos and fantastic work as usual. It is a surprise to see you use some kind of layout for the scrolls. Usually I only see you make a crude outline. I remember a couple/few FEGAs ago you cutting somee very nice scrolls with elements without any layout at all, using your patented "winging it" method. Haaa. I would like to learn it. Whats the jaw lining stuff in the vice, lead?