Changing Your Working Distance.

Indy Joneds

Elite Cafe Member
Feb 13, 2014
Derbyshire England
Morning all , Just Curious to find out if any engravers changed there working distance from 6" to higher and if it improved there work / comfort / time that you could spend at the vise .

I find that by eliminating the neck ache by having the scope at eye level i gain an ache from raising my arms to the " 6 working distance level . Its obviously not going to kill me , but if being more comfortable is possible i think it is the way to go . also is the loss of magnification for gain of WD a big difference/loss.

thanks for any input.


Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
I changed mine to an 8" working distance a couple of years ago (or more) and I REALLY like having more clearance under the scope and having a wider field of view at the low end. I have not noticed any improvements in comfort or anything else.


Staff member
::::Pledge Member::::
Feb 11, 2007
washington, pa
Morning all , Just Curious to find out if any engravers changed there working distance from 6" to higher and if it improved there work / comfort / time that you could spend at the vise .

I find that by eliminating the neck ache by having the scope at eye level i gain an ache from raising my arms to the " 6 working distance level . Its obviously not going to kill me , but if being more comfortable is possible i think it is the way to go . also is the loss of magnification for gain of WD a big difference/loss.

thanks for any input.
by adding a.5 to my scope, i went ftom 4" to a bit more than 7". at this power level, there's way more power than needed for ordinary engraving. if you end up with a .4 or .3. if you have insufficient power, you can solve this easily by buying 12x, 15x,, or even 20's to get back to your needed power level. adding more powerful occulars will not affect the wd, only optical power. as far as comfort after the change, perhaps your chair or stool needs an adjustment. comfort doing this work is all but mandatory. adjustments may be needed in the entire "mechanics" of your setup. analyzing and correcting such is well worth the time spent in doing this.

Ed Westerly

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Mar 16, 2011
southern California
I have never found the working distance between the work and the scope to be a comfort item. I think you find comfort by having adjustability in all of your setup components. Chair, stand, vise (to a small extent) all should be able to be raised or lowered as needed to keep your neck, shoulders, arms, feet, legs, etc. at the proper height and angle to keep your body from aching. IMHO

Indy Joneds

Elite Cafe Member
Feb 13, 2014
Derbyshire England
yes i wish i could adjust the height of the vise down to where i feel my arms are less stressed after time , but then i would have to lower the microscope and then i would be bending my head down to the eye pieces and gain neck/back ache. unless im missing sumthing , changing the working distance is the only way to have my arms / hands at a lower level since the focus point / working distance is set .

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