Elite Cafe Member
This may be one of the more ignorant questions ever to grace this forum, so I will apologize in advance. But how does one actually go from scratching in copper, steel and silver to actually getting paid. Do you gentlemen (and ladies) make what you want then just post it for sale? Do you take practice plates to jewelry stores and ask for work? What about mail order work? I'm not yet near ready to take on paying work, but a surprise divorce has left me at something of a crossroads. I'm trying to make what plans I can because the next few years are going to be ones of massive change. My current job has been stable if low paying for the last 13 years, on my own it is not going to be nearly enough. Considering moving into HVAC and getting up every morning at 5 to practice my cuts until I'm confident enough to take on engraving jobs.... but and this is the point of this rambling, what is the best way for a neophyte to do that? Ide love to hear the opinions, feedback, and general wisdom of those of you that have made this journey before.
Best regards
Best regards