Like Roger B said as well, Dani get it in writing especially on the job packet. I'm assuming this is trade work for a store/ jeweller? Regardless, get it in writing what they want, even via a sample photo and take a photo of the job packet....I do for all my trade work. It hasn't happened to me, but you wouldn't believe some of the sketchy details I've had to work with for engraving jobs and told "just do what the packet says" LOL. Have fun with these rings, they're great to do and you'll be surprised at the progress if you take your time. Especially with you obvious talent I'm sure they'll look sweet. Good luck
Ok. Thank you chaps for encouraging me to dig deeper for the details of what they really want before getting started. They want them just engraved like scrollwork and blackened. I will do some the other way some time before too long to try my hand at it on some practice rings. Thanks again everyone.