For some reason the link does not work on my phone, but do what makes you happy, every failure is a world of knowledge gained, good job for your determination and drive on!
invent please... even if you end up with same design the road to it will be fun and exciting. you will either create a new design or prove to yourself sometimes its easier and less expensive to buy pre made.. i learn that all the time...
I started similar way,im student so every cent counts .And even buying cheapest tools wasnt that easy for me. so i started with simple modeling vice i can hold in hand,some hand push gravers i found in flea market.and i just started to play with copper plates . Later i bought chinese vise (Bad GRS copy) but i couldnt afford more ,then i made my engraving machine with cheap 12volt compresor (inspired FROM Shaun Hughes on youtube). and then i started to engrave something a bit more serious ,ordered Steve Lindsay sharpening templates and with this basic setup i engraved very random things i found in flea market and now i have enough money to buy quality Vice and Gravermax . But if i had bought gravermax for ex. at the very beginning ,i would never learn how to make my tools ,figure out and best angles for handpushing etc etc . I still love to make custom tools for myself