drawing on metal with pens ?

Indy Joneds

Elite Cafe Member
Feb 13, 2014
Derbyshire England
evening all, i did some seraching and found snippits about pens like the itoya fine point 0.1 and a rotring in another post. but just to clarify some engravers are drawing straight onto the metal with these pens ? because there was some mention of plastic about and didwant to go and buy one of these if they are just being used to draw onto plastic then somehow trace/scribe that onto the metal . im sure i saw a photo on a post the other day with ink on a barrel . I cant find anywhere in uk that selss an itoya pen but if some one could just let me know if the rotring does do this or any fine pen does this i would be very grateful . thanks

Indy Joneds

Elite Cafe Member
Feb 13, 2014
Derbyshire England
i cant find the the second one , but i can get a sakura off of ebay , but it only goes down to 0.2mm. when some of the other pens go down to 0.03
but not sure how well they will work on metal . does the ink need to be oilbased ?

I have ordered a sakura 0.005 on your advice anyhow. so thank you sinan.

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