Ford Hallam classes in USA

diane b

Elite Cafe Member
May 26, 2008
I received this email from Ford and wanted to pass on the information for those interested. I've taken a couple of classes from Ford and he is a wonderful, patient teacher. Hope all this posts ok. I just did a copy/paste - I'm not very good with the computer. thanks for looking at this
Diane B

USA Class dates for 2016

Hello there

I hope this email finds you well and getting into the swing of the festive season.

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The Ranch, Snohomish. Just North Of Seattle.
April 2016
Monday ~ Friday. 4 th ~ 8th April.
Kata-kiri master class - Learn to use a chisel like an ink brush.
$1350 plus tool set comprising 3 chisel blanks and one hammer. Price on those is pending but less than $50.

Monday ~ Wednesday. 11th ~ 13th April.
Nunome-zogan class. This is the classical Japanese overlay technique also known as cloth weave inlay. $810 plus plus a small tool set (5 piece) probably about $65

Friday ~ Sunday. 15th ~ 17th April.
Basic tsuba making class. $810

Tuesday ~ Saturday. 18th ~ 23rd April
Joint class with János Gábor Varga and myself.
Brooch from a steel pipe. $1450

If you’re interested in any of the classes at The Ranch please contact Randi Harper at

End of April into May.

Tannery Pond Forge, Wilmot, NH.
Wednesday 27th ~ Friday 29th.
3 day nunome zogan class. This is the classical Japanese overlay technique also known as cloth weave inlay.
$750 plus a small tool set (5 piece) probably about $65

Monday 2 May ~ Friday 6 May .
5 day kata-kiri class - Learn to use a chisel like an ink brush.
plus tool set comprising 3 chisel blanks and one hammer. Price on those is pending but less than $50.

Monday 9th May ~ Wednesday 11 May.
3 day tsuba class. $750

To join us in New Hampshire please get in touch at:
If we’ve got space you’ll be sent an invoice from paypal as confirmation of your place. This will include the payment commission from paypal, unfortunately, but it tends to be less than bank charges.

Class details:

If you’d like to know more about what each class is about please click on link below to be redirected to my forum where you’ll find descriptions of what we’ll be doing as well as some images of the tools and projects we’ll be using.

You’ll need a basic set of jewellers hand tools, which I assume most practitioners of fine metalwork already have. If not or to see how well equipped you are please contact me and I'll email you a list of recommended tools with links to suppliers. A sketch book and pencil will also be needed. The specific hand tools for each class is also listed on the forum.

I hope to be seeing some of you in the Spring then.

Warm regards


p.s. I may also be running a further 2 classes with Allen Rozon of Tamahagane Arts in Hamilton, nr Toronto. We're looking at a 3 day tsuba class and the 5 day kata-kiri class there. Details to follow if that firms up.

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47 Barton Road
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