Garage News: Thanksgiving


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 17, 2006
I'm going to get a jumpstart on Thanksgiving by beginning a gratitude thread. There is a lot of unpleasantness in the world- anger, contention, racism, misunderstandings, victimization, and discrimination to name a few. Nevertheless, if we look around there is much to be grateful for.

Today I am grateful for my engraving friends both current and future. Sometimes we have little in common besides a love for this not so common art form. You inspire, encourage, and support me. Thank you for posting beautiful work for me to enjoy and admire. thank you for kind comments. Thank you for the good people you are.

I am grateful for wonderful clients. For the opportunity you give me to work with you and get to know you. Thank you for your trust in me. Thank you to future clients who will become friends and future projects that will stretch me and bring me joy.

Life is good and too precious to spend time bickering and whining about unfairness and things that didn't go the way we would have liked. Many things we can not control but we can control whether we dwell on the negative or the multitude of good.

I am thankful for diversity and variety. Thankful for friends that see things different than I and through discussion open my mind. A motto I have tried to live by is "I refuse to let religion or politics get in the way of a good friendship.


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 17, 2006
John, you are dear in my memory. You were so kind and helpful the first FEGA show I attended. I asked a few questions regarding gold/ silver inlay and you graciously explained your process. I knew nothing about that technique along with most other things engraving related- a complete beginner. A couple of weeks after I returned from the show bedazzled and a bit bewildered a package arrived from my dear friend John. That would be you. It contained copies of some of the tools you use and a sample of inlaying silver. So thoughtful, kind, and generous, thank you my friend. May we see each other again down the trail somewhere.


:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
May 23, 2015
The "Happy" is in the eyes of those who say "Thanks" for giving gesture.

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