How do I find an expert to study under?

Jun 21, 2023
Hi all, I don't do well learning on my own, I am trying to find a class or apprenticeship to learn all about engraving. I am a few years away from retiring from being a public school high school teacher and I would like to explore jewelry and engraving. I am a firearms enthusiast as well as a rock hound and traditional bowhunter. I'm not sure how many of the skills transfer between being a jeweler and a firearms/metal engraver, and a wood engraver. This is my first message here, I tried getting on the handgravers forum but did not get their "secret word" to register. Is that a good site too?
Any advice appreciated!


Staff member
::::Pledge Member::::
Feb 11, 2007
washington, pa
there's much to be learned here. many disciplines to master. design concepts, drawing with a common pencil, tool sharpening, just to mention a few. everyone here will help those that seek such. if you misbehave, you'll have to stay after class and clean the blackboard !


Elite Cafe Member
Jan 6, 2015
NW Ohio
Learn to sharpen first imho, no cutting without a properly sharpened tool.
there are oodles of info. On utube etc. it ( sharpening) can be done by hand with decent quality benchstones. For most, engraving is a hobby or sideline, not a primary source of income. Again my opinion. Good luck


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Sep 30, 2007
West TN
Your location is important, unless you are willing to spend oodles on transportation and board. One we know that recommendations can be forthcoming. There are schools and individuals thruout the country offering what you seek.


:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Dec 25, 2020
Chattanooga, TN
Elemental breakdown, Welcome to a wonderful adventure.
Advice from a “first grader” similarly to yourself learning comes more naturally shown instead of explained, that being said Sam Alfano has made some wonderful instructional DVDs. When I speak to friends and colleagues about this art I refer to him as my teacher. Even if your headed for an in person class it wouldn’t be a waste to try out the ”Beginner engraving“ video just to give you a generous helping of knowledge and visual representations of many mainstay techniques and terminology. Hope you have a great week. BB


Jun 19, 2023
I am in the same boat, I would love to figure out how to get a guy who knows what he is doing over my shoulder.
Jun 21, 2023
I saw the Sam Alfono DVDs and I fo actually hand sharpen my pointy objects, I have a TSPROF angle guide and clamp machine... Definitely the best manual sharpener.

I'm in Northern NJ.

I will update personal info, thank you.

Is there anyone around zip code 07470 in Northern NJ that anyone knows about?

Thanks again,


:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Dec 25, 2020
Chattanooga, TN
No, I am trying to find a place to learn in person. A professional organization may have info on members running classes
Good evening Frank, If you’re looking for and organization “in charge” of awarding titles for engraving then your journey into this art may be fraught with disappointment for patience is not easily judged by others.
Now if you unequivocally need to sign up for a class in engraving go to and sign up now. Hope this helps and have a great holiday weekend. BB


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Sep 30, 2007
West TN
Montgomery Community college in SC has Metal Engraving 101 under the NRA Gunsmithing classes at the end of this month. Tuition is very reasonable and room and board can be had on campus. This is a basic course to get started. Probably the most inexpensive course you will find if you're up for a short vacation.

Metal Engraving 101
This will be an introductory course to the art of hand engraving on guns. In this course we will cover the basics of engraving with a hammer and chisel, graver angles and sharpening. We will also cover the basics of design for gun engraving. Instructor: Samantha Cherry
Metal Engraving 101 | 7/24-7/28 | MTWTHF | 9AM-6PM | $201.60 | Register | Tool List

John B.

Lifetime Pledge Member
::::Pledge Member::::
Nov 9, 2006
Los Angeles area, California.
No, I am trying to find a place to learn in person. A professional organization may have info on members running classes
FEGA is a professional organization.
FEGA membership is reasonably priced and open to all.
See the details at
Between the monthly publication of FEGA's "The Engraver" magazine and the annual Engravers Guild Show there is a lot of learning and network contact possibilities available to you at a very low price.

Also "The National Rifle Association" holds inexpensive, short term summer classes, taught by experienced instructors and held at several colleges around the country. They consist off Basic and Advanced classes.
I had the privilege to teach these classes for more than 20 years.
Proud to say, many of my ex-students are now full time, FEGA certified Master Engravers.
And some. since my retirement, have taken over the NRA teaching duties from me.

NRA also holds short term Masters engraving classes taught by world renown engravers such as Sam Alfano, Sam Welch, Mike Dubber, Lee Griffiths and others, when these fine artists are available.

Many of these same remarkable engraving artists have on-line or printed publications available for study.
There is instruction and help out there if you work the territory!
Jun 21, 2023
Thanks for the leads. I have never engraved before I just know myself well enough that I will not do well trying to learn unless I am in person. I will check out whether any local community colleges offer a course though I doubt in my area they would run one. I only mentioned an organization because I have never seen someone offer a local course, and I have been looking for decades.

John B.

Lifetime Pledge Member
::::Pledge Member::::
Nov 9, 2006
Los Angeles area, California.
Thanks for the leads. I have never engraved before I just know myself well enough that I will not do well trying to learn unless I am in person. I will check out whether any local community colleges offer a course though I doubt in my area they would run one. I only mentioned an organization because I have never seen someone offer a local course, and I have been looking for decades.
Best of luck on your engraving journey, Frank.
Please remember that engraving instruction is not available and taught on every LOCAL street corner.

And most working engravers work out of their own homes or very small facilities, and are not set up to have a learner underfoot. And most don't want or need an apprentice.
One on one instruction is going to be very expensive.

You may have to do a little traveling and pushing to find a good instructor and classes.
Start with FEGA and run a small advertisement in the "Engraver."
Also join the NRA and enquire about their short term Summer classes.

Best of luck,


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Apr 10, 2007
Rockville, MD
See if any local colleges have a printmaking department, and sign up for intaglio printmaking, or woodcuts. Intaglio uses gravers on plates for printing. Woodcuts use woodcut tools also for printmakng but the hand/eye coordination skills are quite similar.


:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Jan 10, 2007
This is a short video from Sam Alfano on hand push engraving. He shows the least expensive way to start using no power assisted engraving machines. watch
The first few minutes may be the most beneficial. The rest of the video is Sam making things look easy and its not.

Youtube has a lot of engraving videos. You may find quite a few to introduce you more deeply into engraving processes.

But best of luck and I hope you are successful to your own satisfaction.
