Elite Cafe Member
Hello everyone. I have some troubles I have searched but don't no exactly what to search for and don't no exactly how to ask it lol
I can cut nice bright lines by pushing and the lines are consistent but I have a lot of pop outs I no that just comes with experience to fix that
Win I go to using my hammer the graver starts digging in after 3/4 of a inch or so I don't no what I am doing I use my finger to keep the same angle and win I see it getting deeper I lower the graver but it don't help after it gets a big burr.I don't put pressure on the graver after I get it started. I was at first but stopped that I thought it was the problem
This happens with all my gravers that I try. I have great luck on short lines its just the longer they are they don't like me. I use Mr Sam's way to put the heel on. I am just plum lost I thank you very much for the help in advance
I can cut nice bright lines by pushing and the lines are consistent but I have a lot of pop outs I no that just comes with experience to fix that
Win I go to using my hammer the graver starts digging in after 3/4 of a inch or so I don't no what I am doing I use my finger to keep the same angle and win I see it getting deeper I lower the graver but it don't help after it gets a big burr.I don't put pressure on the graver after I get it started. I was at first but stopped that I thought it was the problem
This happens with all my gravers that I try. I have great luck on short lines its just the longer they are they don't like me. I use Mr Sam's way to put the heel on. I am just plum lost I thank you very much for the help in advance