Question: I am lost been trying but no luck


Elite Cafe Member
Dec 14, 2015
Seymour, Mo
Hello everyone. I have some troubles I have searched but don't no exactly what to search for and don't no exactly how to ask it lol
I can cut nice bright lines by pushing and the lines are consistent but I have a lot of pop outs I no that just comes with experience to fix that
Win I go to using my hammer the graver starts digging in after 3/4 of a inch or so I don't no what I am doing I use my finger to keep the same angle and win I see it getting deeper I lower the graver but it don't help after it gets a big burr.I don't put pressure on the graver after I get it started. I was at first but stopped that I thought it was the problem
This happens with all my gravers that I try. I have great luck on short lines its just the longer they are they don't like me. I use Mr Sam's way to put the heel on. I am just plum lost I thank you very much for the help in advance :tiphat: :hammer:

Indy Joneds

Elite Cafe Member
Feb 13, 2014
Derbyshire England
Boomhower , can you upload a photo of your graver , showing the heel aswell next to a ruler maybe . it takes practice , but sharpening correctly is also maybe the biggest area to go wrong .
If im understanding you description right , you are trying to correct your depth when it is already to deep and has a big fat burr which will proberly just break your tip off if you lower to much , get rid of any BIG FAT burs by cutting into it from the other direction then proberly starting a new line , but its wise not to leave BIG FAT SHARP burrs pertruding for your fingers sake.
also if you have a microscope or loupe or any kind of magnifying glass , check your heel , personaly i use parallel heels but regardless they need to look the same both sides and be the same angle and distance away from the tip , which i would reccomend at about a quarter of a mill or even smaller, smaller heels let you go round corners without making these ugly marks , but larger heels better for straight lines . so maybe start with a 1mm heel and get the hang and control of straight lines then move on to curves. Also as noob myself , i know how exciting and inspiring and consuming engraving can be and how you are just dying to cut one good leaf element or one nice backbone , and you will BUT .. SLOW DOWN is my single only piece of advice i can give . DONT stop or slow down your desire to cut , just slow down every cutt , every time you read a piece of advice , read it another two times , watch that video again , and again. Experiment yourself with heels and angles and drawing . YOU MUST DRAW .. doodle always doodle , always study . sorry gone on a right morning rant . also if you let go of all/too much pressure on your graver it wil proberly start to act like a nail and you will just burry that mother. so start with maybe pushing the graver until it bites into the metal .. then try hammering/TIP TAPPING it SLOWLY and lightly while pushing the ( striking end of the graver ) ever so slightly downwards . soyou making a scoop . you push it to bite into the metal then your slowly tapping and lowering to get the graver to come back out of the metal . then try making a longer " SCOOP " and longggerrr and longgeerrr unti lyour "scoops" are lines .. ? might work . Anyhoo , good morning and Good luck , and never never give up . GO ON BOOM ! GO ON BOOM!


Elite Cafe Member
Dec 14, 2015
Seymour, Mo
I sure will Indy I will get some photos of my gravers and you are right I practice around the clock. Lol no sleeping for me. Thank you for the advice it's what I needed I thank I may been trying to go to fast. I will slow down and walk before I run lol. Thank you guys vary much


Elite Cafe Member
Dec 14, 2015
Seymour, Mo
Here is my gravers

Here is my gravers sorry for poor photos. I tried to use my magnifier but it didn't work so good.
Thank you for helping me out.
20151230_052551.jpg 20151230_052344.jpg 20151230_051825.jpg 20151230_052120.jpg 20151230_052316.jpg


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~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Jun 1, 2007
Fishermans Paradise,Idaho
At least you put a heel on them!!! You might try increasing or decreasing the heel angle and length to help with the ability to control depth and stability of your tool in both cases of H&C and hand powered engraving. Try to not cut deeper than the length of your heel so your curved cuts will be smoother and it shouldn't dive or fly out!!! Good luck and keep practicing!!!!!!!!!

tim halloran

Elite Cafe Member
Jun 10, 2008
Blue Grass, IOWA
Boomhower: Try using a lubricant. WD-40 works for non ferrous metals. I use some stuff called burr-life, and I got it at Rio Grande. I also use lube on all metals. You should really think about getting a good graver sharpening fixture, and a diamond hone . Also get a ceramic wheel and some one half micron -50,000 mesh diamond spray. You will not regret spending the money on top quality tools.


Staff member
::::Pledge Member::::
Feb 11, 2007
washington, pa
your problem will resolve with practice. you seem quite aware of what your graver is actually doing, so that's a good thing. standing, sitting, body mechanics all may come into play here. bench height type of seating, and many other factors can come into play that can bring havoc to your efforts, just guessing here, but engraving must be done in comfort. if not, unknowingly, your muscles and nerves can cause you a lot of trouble.


Elite Cafe Member
Dec 14, 2015
Seymour, Mo
Thank you everyone I was thanking may of been my gravers. I will keep trying.
I tock the day from practice and turned me some new handles hopefully they help out I made them a bit longer hope I can get better control of the Angeles they fit my hand better. Thanks for the advice it sure means a lot to have great help


Staff member
::::Pledge Member::::
Feb 11, 2007
washington, pa
i'd guess every engraver visiting this forum with any degree of regularity has learned something.


Elite Cafe Member
Dec 14, 2015
Seymour, Mo
I have been doing better have not dug to China in a bit. Your Wright monk this is a aswsome source of information
Thank everyone for the help


Elite Cafe Member
Jan 24, 2015
jefferson city Missouri
Glad to hear that you are still at it, Monk hit the graver right on the head. I have found myself tensing up all of the time and take a step back. I have had the same problem and the best thing I can say is keep up the effort. :beatup:

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