Legal documents

Oct 21, 2021
Atlanta, Georgia
Hello everyone!

Quick question. What legal documents do you send your client when they send you their jewlery to be engraved?

I recently received a messsge on instagram from a client wanting me to engrave a couple of her rings. She doesn’t live close to me so she has mail the rings to me.
This is the first time I’m doing this so I want to make sure I’m doing it right. Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you
Oct 21, 2021
Atlanta, Georgia
I was thinking it might be a scam Becouse theres a landscape as the profile picture. At the beginning of the conversation she wanted a coin engraved. I did it, and she sent me the money before I sent it.
but now she wants some rings engraved and she asked for my address. (For obvious reasons) but that gave me a red flag for some reason. So I open a POX at usps and I want to send her a liability contract to make sure I’m good on my end. What you think?
Oct 21, 2021
Atlanta, Georgia
Thank you so much DKanger and Mathew for your advice. Any chance you guys can provide with an example of a terms and condition contract for hand engraving? or somewhere I can get one?


:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Jan 10, 2007
This is a tough one. I only do mail order for stores. I find it good to have a buffer between the retail customer and me.

I have a couple of problems dealing with retail customers. One is that the customer has an iconic idea about the look and condition of rings specifically and everything else in general. Anything that does not match what the customer remembers it looked like before sending it to you is a hassle. And it could be a real time consuming and expensive hassle. Cracks in a ring? Well it didn't have any before I sent it to you.

And this baby cup, piece of flatware, watch, sentimental piece of hollowware my mothers great grandmother who came here in poverty before the Mayflower had no scratches, dents or other defects when I sent it to you. What do you intend to do about it?

Or its not exactly the font I picked out, looks different. Or the lettering is bigger/smaller/not slanted enough/ I didn't think it would look like this. And I accidentally misspelled my grandson's name- could you erase it and redo it.

Myself, I don't have the personality to deal with that. I leave it to the jewelry store who probably experiences this a few times a week.

I would spend a few dollars and talk to an actual lawyer for advice. It could save you an expensive hassle in the long run.

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