Critique Request Looking for serious critiquing on Ram Head 24karat gold inlay.


New Member
Mar 13, 2015
West Yellowstone, Montana
Hello all, This is my first post to the Engravers Cafe. I recognize many of the names here as engravers I study. My name is Turtle, I from West Yellowstone, Montana. I have been engraving for a bit over five years now. I figure I have another 15 years to reach Master status. I love my job.

I am looking for a serious look at my work. I find critiquing to be the stone which to leap to greatness. I appreciate your help and suggestions.

What you are looking at is an engraving the size of a nickle. I am engraving four bolsters of a Wayne Spragg handmade knife. This is the top bolster and the first bolster finished. I will engrave the opposite side with a full body and mountain scene. The bottom bolsters will recieve scroll cuts. This is also my very fist inlay. I used 24karat gold and I stuggled with my inlay. Of course I did, it was my first one. I am fortunate to have clients that believe in my work and are willing to allow for some expermintation on their items. Thank you for your help!


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Brian Marshall

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
Stockton, California & Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico
Background between left horn & ear and right horn/forehead + under chin does not separate the head enough. Think about it.

Horn over the neck looks flush with neck. Can be fixed with some shading.

Those are two things that will make the biggest difference.

Shape and shading of the eye, nostrils, and lips after you work the first two out...

Your'e on the right track. Posting for critique takes guts. Congratulations.



Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
The animal looks kind of cartoony and part of the reason are the hard outlines around the eye, muzzle, forehead, etc. I would suggest working this out on paper and get the shading and detail to perfection before attempting it in metal.

I wouldn't have chosen to put an animal head on a piece where a screw would end up in the center of its forehead. The wire inlay isn't very clean so you need some practice on that.

Thanks for asking for critique. Brian's takes guts and I respect that.


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Dec 7, 2006
East Springfield, Ohio, United States
The perspective of the ram is flat. It doesn't have that 1/4 turn dimension.
You have 4 different colors of the same background--- below the chin, above the ear and below the horn, where the two horns converge at the very top, all of the background from head to gold wire on the right.
Scrolls growing out of the horn????? If you were using them for borders, you put 'em on backwards. They should be on the edge, not the animal, but there's really no room for them in this design anyway.
The screw in the middle of the forehead is a definite no-no.
Critiquing to be the stone which to leap to greatness? Be careful that it isn't moss covered when you make that jump.
I actually tried to become famous. Didn't work. Everything suffered in my quest. Everything.
(I guess I'll just have to settle for being notorious. LOL!)
Seriously, I really love your enthusiasm. Your desire will provide the leverage on yourself to become better.
Now, get back to the drawing board and show us what you got!


:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Oct 15, 2007
Grand Forks, ND
Ram's Ear

It looks like you have an ear growing out of the ram's jaw and the tip just sort of disappears into nowhere. :confused:


Brian Marshall

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
Stockton, California & Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico
Got too distracted with all the other stuff going on in that engraving... missed the ear entirely - because I had to make an emergency run to the vet.

One of the dogs had ripped a 4" slash into his side and I didn't notice until I looked down from the screen when he walked into my office.

Enough excitement for today... and another bill to pay.



New Member
Mar 13, 2015
West Yellowstone, Montana
Thank YOU! This is information I can use. As for the moss covered stone, I am not looking for riches or fame, I don't think I would have chosen engraving. I am drawn to engraving with my soul. I love tiny worlds, and I love drawing; although I have never had a class in either art or engraving I strive to push my boundaries each day. I have wanted to take a class for some time, but my money and time are invested in being a father and husband; I am very fortunate to have a wife that supports my engraving habits as a career choice. Wow! Thank you so much for the perspectives. The ear is growing out of its jaw. I didn't even see that. The inconsistency of the background, yup. The cartoony look, this has been my biggest challenge ever since I was just a little spit. I still have a lot of work to do on the knife, this means I can go back and rescue as much as I can. I can't believe I am talking to some of the people I have studied over the years! This is just short of asking for autographs. I want to be better. A hard look at the ego will allow me room to grow. I travel Montana USA during the summer and set up my booth at art shows. I do most hammer and chisel at my shows. My pathway will be built upon hard work and learning how to draw a line. Thank you so much. I will be printing out these replies and hanging them up in my shop.


Staff member
::::Pledge Member::::
Feb 11, 2007
washington, pa
to my eye-- it looks too flat. by that,i mean there's no 3-d effect, or the illusion of depth.


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Jun 22, 2011
Paige, TX
When brought down to the size of a nickel, the size stated, it looks pretty good even if it is a little flat.


New Member
Mar 13, 2015
West Yellowstone, Montana
Thank you so much for your time! I really appreciate all the help I can get. Honesty is always the best policy. Thank you for the compliments about the horn texture too. I am trying to work on my shading to help bring out the age rings. I feel grateful to have so many study subjects here in Yellowstone Country. In many respects, my work is a reflection of my time spent in the mountains. The engraving is tiny, but I want my work to look just as good in a close-up picture as it would in hand. Almost always, I am so attached to my work I am neglectful of the 3rd person point of view. Too many people are so willing to tell you how beautiful your work is, but I don't feel that gets you too far. In order to become better at snowboarding, you need to hang out with the friends that put you at the top of the mountain, even if it is against your will at times. My snowboard / life analogy.

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Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
montanaturtle: Please go into your settings on your phone and turn off the Tapatalk ad. Thanks!

