A 20 ounce CO2 bottle will last around 8 hours with a Lindsay palmcontrol. Hope this helps
Thanks for the info, will do the calculations
A 20 ounce CO2 bottle will last around 8 hours with a Lindsay palmcontrol. Hope this helps
I seem to get around a month out of a 20 pounder? - but that is not purely engraving every day, about 30% of time is spent fabricating...
Never actually kept a record of actual time spent using the CO2 because I switch tools fairly often as well. Be pretty difficult.
Everyone is gonna get a little different result depending on the type of work/depth of cut.
I just found out from a student who also grows the green stuff, that he uses CO2 tanks for that purpose.
So... depending on where you live... the tanks may be more common these days?
I seem to get around a month out of a 20 pounder? - but that is not purely engraving every day, about 30% of time is spent fabricating...
Never actually kept a record of actual time spent using the CO2 because I switch tools fairly often as well. Be pretty difficult.
Everyone is gonna get a little different result depending on the type of work/depth of cut.
It uses a small amount of CO2 while idling, so if you leave the valve open all day or forget to shut it off at night - or over a weekend - there may be some waste involved?
I just found out from a student who also grows the green stuff, that he uses CO2 tanks for that purpose.
So......might be a good idea to put a few plants in your shop window - which of course is strategically placed right over your bench
Depending on where you live in the USA... these tanks may be more common these days?