Question: Metro Detroit Engraver Meetup


New Member
Jul 21, 2021
Hello Community,

About a month ago I attended Layne Zuelke's Basic Metal Engraving class at the GRS Training Center. It was a blast and Layne is an awesome teacher. If you are like me, and are new to engraving, I highly recommend this class. You can't learn this skill on your own. Trust me, I tried. The intent of this post isn't to be a sales pitch. However, I wanted to provide the proper background. In the Training Center there is a map where students put a pin showing their hometown. I thought this was a really cool idea. Looking at the map I noticed that there were a ton of students who are from the metro Detroit (MI) area. I was wondering, if anyone knows of any local meetups or would be interested in starting one, so we can get together and share ideas.

Let me know your thoughts.

P.S. I can't wait to take some more classes