Mike, that's what I am thinking but not absolutely sure I need one yet. At around a $1000 I want to be sure. I was hoping some engravers would chime in with first hand knowledge and experience concerning if the low profile vice would keep the center of balance closer to the center of the table or do I need a bigger table?:thinking:
It seems to me that with the low profile vice my center of balance would still go to the outside of the table when I center my work?:thinking: I'm not having any problem now with work being too high anymore.
Try counter-weighting the table first. If you are loading the bearing improperly (side loading) that should alleviated the problem at least temporarily.
In the end, I think you will want a steel table but try this first.
I would just drive over to Steve's and or GRS and try out first hand several different vises.
I have a Wilson self centering vise that is very handy.
That Italian vise that Sam has would be a great clearence vise.
Weldon does quite a few SAAs and you should get with him to work through your problem.
Thought I would bump this to the top. Saw the thread E.C. Started and didn't want to high jack it but thought between his post and my old one someone might find bits and pieces they could use to make a better stand. I was able to overcome my issue with my vice getting too close to the sides. I just turn my microscope kind of cock eyed, usually to the left side and view my work at an angle. I never cut more than a few minutes like this, so it doesn't cause any neck or back issues. When I first modified my drill press stand I lapped the post in with lapping compound from NAPA auto parts. I was able to use the tensioning bolt on mine to adjust the drag. When I then tried the thrust bearing I got some play i didn't like and this lead to my current table. Hope this helps someone.