New to engraving, but not to life.....


Dec 31, 2022
By way of introduction, My name is Robert "Dale" Annis. I am a retired service member with 26 years, 3 deployments and 13 countries in my service record. I say that not to instill awe but to merely present myself for who I am.
I began gunsmithing part-time in 2004. Since that time I have touched on most facets of gunsmithing in search of a niche. In 2013 I met Bob Marvel and have been under his guidance on 1911 pistols ever since. I have also recieved training on S&W revolvers, Ruger single action and bolt action rifles at Montgomery County Community College in Troy, NC.
I was lucky enough to attend Jessie Houser's metal engraving class in 2017, and it was there that the hook for this art form was set.
Due to life getting in the way I had to pause all further development of engraving skills until last year when I attended Jim Downings class in Springfield, Mo. I have since attended a training session with JJ Roberts. I look forward to attending more classes with these fine engravers. I also am thankful for a forum such as this where I can submit photos of drawing and or work for honest professional critique. Please excuse my niaviety in some nomenclature or techniques as I am genuinely just learning the ropes. I am truly glad to have this resource and be a part of this community.
V/R Dale


Staff member
::::Pledge Member::::
Feb 11, 2007
washington, pa
welcome to the forum. this place is helpful. all one need do is "look it up" or ask. dont forgt to develop a strong relatiionship with a pencil and drawing pad. roger bleile created a glossarY of terms for engravers. it may answer some of yer questions.


Dec 31, 2022
welcome to the forum. this place is helpful. all one need do is "look it up" or ask. dont forgt to develop a strong relatiionship with a pencil and drawing pad. roger bleile created a glossarY of terms for engravers. it may answer some of yer questions.
After Jim’s class last November I started a scroll sketch book. I’ve learned a lot just in reading and focusing on the art aspects I am waiting on a palm control so I figured make the best use of my time.