Question: niter bluing


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Jun 7, 2007
Baker City , Oregon
It seem as though nearly every subject on the net seem to soon turn into a matter of who is correct in place of what is correct. Actually nobody really cares who is correct. It's all your ego Mitch. I gave good info. No body appointed you except yourself. Get off the ego trip Son. POOF.


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
May 10, 2013
Laredo, Texas
if you have a problem with something a specific poster(s) wrote, then address them and their apparent misinformation directly. your blanket dismissal of every contributor to this thread as an "armature"[sic] or "amateures"[sic] was uncalled for.

Exactly my thought, the point being is that if you address someone's misinformation everybody else can learn from it, isn't that the point here? Im always eager to read all the post in a thread, i love to learn, and could and would benefit from people with experience. Just saying...

But back to the original poster, regardless if it's the real or official nitre bluing Brownells sells exactly what you need to get the job done with fantastic results, now just remember that nitre bluing is very delicate finish using Brownells nitre bluing chemical. I apply a protective coat.

Some grips that I did, applying a clear finish to protect the nitre bluing and some color case hardening on the slide and frame.

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~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Jul 23, 2007
It seem as though nearly every subject on the net seem to soon turn into a matter of who is correct in place of what is correct. Actually nobody really cares who is correct. It's all your ego Mitch. I gave good info. No body appointed you except yourself. Get off the ego trip Son. POOF.

"It seem as though nearly every subject on the net seem to soon turn into a matter of who is correct in place of what is correct. " AND THE FIRST ONE TO DO IT IN THIS THREAD WAS YOU!!! If "Actually nobody really cares who is correct." then why did you feel the need to insult everybody by playing the obnoxious know-it-all? Nobody died and made you THE be-all know-all expert on nitre bluing, so excuse the **** out of us ignorant peons for not immediately bowing to your omniscient expertise. We're all adults here, jerry. We do NOT need YOU telling us what to do, who to listen to, what's safe and what isn't, etc. Am I the one calling everybody "armatures" or "amatueres??? YOU are the one who snottily disrespected every poster in this thread. It's hard to take you as an expert on ANYTHING when you can't even spell "A-M-A-T-E-U-R" or "N-I-T-R-E" correctly. And it's ALL MY EGO??????? I'm just calling YOU out on being a RUDE JERK.

Go ahead, Sam. Lock it up and put me on probation or whatever because i'm about to tell jerrywh to go **** himself. POOF to you, too. (whatever the **** that's supposed to mean).

Brian Marshall

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
Stockton, California & Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico
I can see that it is far, far past time for me to retire, by the direction that this thread is going? Guilty as - or even guiltier than anyone on here!

Done more than my share of correcting false or defective information... and offering somewhat more "sensible" options & solutions. (or at least, so I used to like to think? ;)

Go look at the numbers of posts - and the numbers of "likes"... Was that all a result of EGO? Or did any of it actually do anyone some good?

I did try to stay outta threads that I knew very little about though? Gimme some credit there.

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~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Jun 7, 2007
Baker City , Oregon
I never said every other poster was an amateur on this post. I recommended that the readers not take advise from amateurs. Neither did I set myself up as a know it all expert as you insinuate Mitch. I only recommended that the original poster go to Brownell to for the correct info. I did this for a real good reason. Them Mitch the big shot Self appointed spelling police and administrator goes off. Is your ego satisfied yet? Must we consult with Mitch before each post. Or must we just listen to his complaints and criticisms afterwards?
Real nice job
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~ Elite 1000 Member ~
May 10, 2013
Laredo, Texas
Thanks Jerry, i also had to experiment with thr clear coat finish, someone guided me.with some good info and i put it to the test.

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~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Jun 7, 2007
Baker City , Oregon
Do you realize how far out of hand you have stretched this complaint of yours? It really has gotten kind of comical. 1 guess I better leave you alone now. I'm afraid you might have a stroke or something. Take it easy Mitch. Maybe I will see you at the show sometime. I'll buy you a steak dinner. How would that be? Does this mean you don't like me anymore?

