Old is New.


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 11, 2006
outside Albany in SW GA
While reading the interview with Jo and her comments on the help the forum(s) have been I got to thinking where they started and the content of them, interesting topics from the past and the historian bug bit me. The following is MY recollections and should be considered in that light. Pearl of Wisdom More people should review what's come before.

As I recall the first forum (chat room) was a very small group with MSN. Not many regular users and information was good but rather thin. Some of you may remember that group. At the time I was rrrf68@bellsouth.net. In 2002 the knifenetwork.net added Fine Embellishment and Fine Embellishment Hall of Fame (not much ever appeared there). They soon added an archieve of the posted photos which is real good as most are now missing. Steve Lindsay started his forum about then but it was strictly his product promotion site and he made it clear that we should not mention other products on the site. I want to make it clear that despite the restrictions some very useful information was exchanged even while walking lightly. It was his site and he was the benevolent dictator to use Sam's term. He set the rule and we followed them or our posts were deleted.

The knife network fine embellishment site was great. Lots of Ideas, Some of our current masters were newbees. I got stuck in a rut and my work went on and I sold a bunch of engraving but I didn't improve in leaps and bounds like those who were artist first and simply used the medium of engraving to express their art. Ray Cover was a truly gifted artist and very well known for his Scrim. Lee Griffiths was a spud farmer with an artist within. Christian Decamellis (sorry about the sp Chris). significant contributors as were Jim Small (cut and inch a day-words to live by to this day Jim-unfortunately my inch seem redundant) and Tim Adlam. Both of who were moderators. For non Lindsay users Fine Embellishment had the most information exchange (in my opinion). While I belonged to all of these groups (at that time I was not a Lindsay user and had to be a little careful wording input). FEGA had a forum but not a great deal of action over there. Might be a post or two a week in good weeks.

Many of my best internet friends became real friends from Fine Embellishment and I still check it out regularly.

As time pasted there were changes to all the forums. MSN Interest Group disappeared I believe. At least I can't find it anymore. Steve Lindsay changed a bit on his approach and while it is still defiantly a product promotion site the rules eased a bit and a general topics forum came into being. Still kind of frowns on the use of other product names (gotten a note or two myself) but it is his web site and he has a devoted group of users-(some fanatics actually) but they are terrific products.

The Hand Engravers Cafe' came into reality in Nov 2006 and I was one of the first to sign aboard. It has been great ride and open and carefully dictated by Our Benevolent Dictator and his team. Abigail was more active in the beginning but we still get her input occasionally. Humorous Lady Abigail is much appreciated. In all fairness to Steve Lindsay Sam is a GRS man tried and true. I say true because he uses the products he endorses and is just as fast to mention short coming of one model over another or endorse products not offered by GRS. Sam makes no bones about his involvement with GRS but never restricts any other product endorsement. Both the Lindsay and Café' have large participation and I would advise check out both regularly as I do. some of the threads are redundant but the comments are generally not.

I decided to get back to all the forum roots since it has been pointed out that so many have used them as their principal teaching tool. In such a case take what you read and learn, personally evaluate the advice, take what is of value to YOU and leave the rest.

I decided to start with MSN user group. Could find it.

Next Fine Embellishment of the Knifenetwork.net

Started first (earliest) and moved oldest to newest. Many of the pictures are now missing and many, many of the users have gone on to other things or changed their ID.

First installment of what I consider to be really important to ME. as someone often says "Your mileage may vary" The next installments may be links with an explanation of some kind. Sorry the teacher is coming out in my old age since engraving is very limited now.Fred

Specifically #12 but read them all

I know this is a long post but additions will simply say forums historicals in the subject line. I will make every effort to pick MY favorite of the day every day. I may jump around form one forum to another but form and date will be noted.

Andrew Biggs

Nov 10, 2006
Christchurch, New Zealand
The knife embellishment forum rocked!!!!

Tim Adlam and Jim Small did a great job of it and I made some good friends there. .........and learnt a lot about engraving and internet psychopaths :)



Staff member
::::Pledge Member::::
Feb 11, 2007
washington, pa
I WAS DORKUS DIGITALIS in that day. matter of fact i still retain partial rights to the title. nonetheless, this was an interesting read.