Jim B
Jim Blair Engraving will hold an open house on September 10, from 10 am to 5 pm at 59 Mesa Verde, Glenrock, WY. Engraved firearms, knives, jewelry and engraved prints will be on display. Discussions on the art of engraving and demonstrations on hand engraving will be held. The hammer and chisel, burin and power assist techniques will be demonstrated with the opportunity for individuals to try these methods. Engravers that may want to attend, bring your engravings for show and tell or even for critique. Anyone wanting to learn about engraving this is the perfect opportunity to see what all is involved. All are welcome to drop by visit and ask questions.
Jim Blair is recognized as a master engraver with Colt, Colt Collectors Association and the Firearms Engravers Guild of America. Jim has operated his own engraving business for the last 25 years, engraving mostly on firearms but also engraving knives, jewelry and engraved steel plates for printing which he prints on his own press. Jim is extremely proficient at engraving in several styles of scroll, game scenes and precious metal inlays. All engraving can be done in flat fine line, bias-relief or a deep relief and sculpture.
Jim Blair is recognized as a master engraver with Colt, Colt Collectors Association and the Firearms Engravers Guild of America. Jim has operated his own engraving business for the last 25 years, engraving mostly on firearms but also engraving knives, jewelry and engraved steel plates for printing which he prints on his own press. Jim is extremely proficient at engraving in several styles of scroll, game scenes and precious metal inlays. All engraving can be done in flat fine line, bias-relief or a deep relief and sculpture.