~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Post for JJ
One of the last big tuskers. His name is Craig, at Amboselli park in Kenya. A magnificent animal! He says, I am not an animal! I am a human being! Many of you will recognize one of JJs, castings, "Opus "Magnifico", of an elephant! I feel so privileged to own several of JJs, beautiful castings. JJ, as an accomplished wildlife artist, has a sensitive, light delicate touch, that he effectively employs with his engravings! Kudos, JJ!

One of the last big tuskers. His name is Craig, at Amboselli park in Kenya. A magnificent animal! He says, I am not an animal! I am a human being! Many of you will recognize one of JJs, castings, "Opus "Magnifico", of an elephant! I feel so privileged to own several of JJs, beautiful castings. JJ, as an accomplished wildlife artist, has a sensitive, light delicate touch, that he effectively employs with his engravings! Kudos, JJ!

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