

Elite Cafe Member
Jan 24, 2015
jefferson city Missouri
Having lived my life on my terms I am now paying for it. Almost three years ago I had my C-6,5,4 vertebrates fused due to degeneration of the bone, bulged and ruptured discs causing intolerable levels of pain, this was life changing for me. Before and during and since this time my desire to become an accomplished engraver has kept me grounded and focused. I am now facing a far more serious fusion of the C-5,4,3,2, and possibly the C-1. I have lost the control of my right hand, arm and shoulder due to the C-3 and 2 pinching my spinal cord causing this paralysis.
I am not looking for any sympathy but wondering if any one has faced this type of injury and what type of rehab that you used to get back to scratching stuff up?
Gregory C. Leak


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 10, 2006
West Grove, PA
Good luck to you with your recovery. I have had 3 back surgeries. The last one the local guy wanted to do a fusion and I had my druthers about it. i then went for another opinion with a neurosurgeon not and orthopedic one. The first thing he said was that I dont need a fusion. at least not yet. he operated and cleaned up around the nerve. Now the L4 disc was totally calcified like yours. The best thing you can do for recovery is to keep moving. I had trouble walking 1/2 mile prior to the operation I know do at least 2 mi every day as weather and forest fires permit. Obviously your back is worse than mine. I still have leg nerve pain and it has gotten batter but I dont think it will ever be perfect As long as I can function and move I am ahead of the game. Keep moving and best of luck BTW a great exercise if you can would be to walk in water if you have a pool available aver everything is all healed up


:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Oct 15, 2007
Grand Forks, ND
Six years ago, I had a surgery at Mayo in Rochester, MN for C-3,C-4 stenosis. It was supposed to have been one of those in one day and home the next surgeries. After I woke up from the 5 hour surgery, my left arm and left leg were paralyzed. I could walk just fine prior to that. So, the next day they did a second 5 hour surgery and that made it so I could barely move that arm and leg.

What they ended up doing was a discectomy of C-3,C-4 and C-5 with a bone fusion and a titanium plate with a bunch of screws. The second surgery was a laminectomy of those vertebrae. I laid in the hospital most of a month and in a recliner for nearly three months. I've spent the last six years in constant 24/7 pain and I can barely walk. Needless to say, my life got pretty well screwed up.

About six weeks ago, I tripped and went to my forehead on concrete and have been recovering from a concussion since then. I had an MRI and it shows significant stenosis bilaterally in the IVF's at C-4,C-5 and C-6.

I'm going to get referred to a Pain Management clinic for possible injections. Also to a world renowned orthopedic surgeon in Minnesota. I know several people he has helped. I wish I had known about him six years ago. Maybe he can help me some. I have hope.

In the meanwhile, I still peck away at making things. I'd die without a workbench... so, I have five of them.

I don't have any answers for you except to try to do the PT and rehab and try to keep going. It can get a bit depressing at times but count your blessings.

One thing that seems to help is holding two beagles in my recliner. :D


Having lived my life on my terms I am now paying for it. Almost three years ago I had my C-6,5,4 vertebrates fused due to degeneration of the bone, bulged and ruptured discs causing intolerable levels of pain, this was life changing for me. Before and during and since this time my desire to become an accomplished engraver has kept me grounded and focused. I am now facing a far more serious fusion of the C-5,4,3,2, and possibly the C-1. I have lost the control of my right hand, arm and shoulder due to the C-3 and 2 pinching my spinal cord causing this paralysis.
I am not looking for any sympathy but wondering if any one has faced this type of injury and what type of rehab that you used to get back to scratching stuff up?
Gregory C. Leak


Elite Cafe Member
Jan 24, 2015
jefferson city Missouri
Six years ago, I had a surgery at Mayo in Rochester, MN for C-3,C-4 stenosis. It was supposed to have been one of those in one day and home the next surgeries. After I woke up from the 5 hour surgery, my left arm and left leg were paralyzed. I could walk just fine prior to that. So, the next day they did a second 5 hour surgery and that made it so I could barely move that arm and leg.

What they ended up doing was a discectomy of C-3,C-4 and C-5 with a bone fusion and a titanium plate with a bunch of screws. The second surgery was a laminectomy of those vertebrae. I laid in the hospital most of a month and in a recliner for nearly three months. I've spent the last six years in constant 24/7 pain and I can barely walk. Needless to say, my life got pretty well screwed up.

About six weeks ago, I tripped and went to my forehead on concrete and have been recovering from a concussion since then. I had an MRI and it shows significant stenosis bilaterally in the IVF's at C-4,C-5 and C-6.

I'm going to get referred to a Pain Management clinic for possible injections. Also to a world renowned orthopedic surgeon in Minnesota. I know several people he has helped. I wish I had known about him six years ago. Maybe he can help me some. I have hope.

In the meanwhile, I still peck away at making things. I'd die without a workbench... so, I have five of them.

I don't have any answers for you except to try to do the PT and rehab and try to keep going. It can get a bit depressing at times but count your blessings.

One thing that seems to help is holding two beagles in my recliner. :D

Holly COW!!!! Yes, I will count my blessing. I have always followed the PT regiment and still doing as many of the workouts. I went for 5 years of pain management. Sometimes I found relief and sometimes not.
Thanks Doc I will add you to my prayers.


Elite Cafe Member
Feb 17, 2018
Central Kentucky
I hesitate to chime in here, as I am not the target audience of your question but I thought I might add my recommendation. I was a Combat Medic in the Army for a time and while I am far from a doctor I have spent a great deal of time around wounded men. One of the most common causes of pain and pressure is inflammation of the tissue around a wounded site. We started adjusting the diets of some of our patients cutting out 99% of the carbs they ate and saw pretty impressive results across multiple areas. (Weight loss, MUCH less fluid retention, swelling and the associated pain were also improved). I recommend nothing with out consulting your doctor but if you can give up beer and sugar you might give it a shot.

Below is a pdf that goes into the more abstract reasoning if you are so interested. Either way my best wishes on a speedy recovery.


Elite Cafe Member
Jan 24, 2015
jefferson city Missouri
I hesitate to chime in here, as I am not the target audience of your question but I thought I might add my recommendation. I was a Combat Medic in the Army for a time and while I am far from a doctor I have spent a great deal of time around wounded men. One of the most common causes of pain and pressure is inflammation of the tissue around a wounded site. We started adjusting the diets of some of our patients cutting out 99% of the carbs they ate and saw pretty impressive results across multiple areas. (Weight loss, MUCH less fluid retention, swelling and the associated pain were also improved). I recommend nothing with out consulting your doctor but if you can give up beer and sugar you might give it a shot.

Below is a pdf that goes into the more abstract reasoning if you are so interested. Either way my best wishes on a speedy recovery.
Jonathan you are just the type of target that I am looking for. I have been working on a lower carb diet. I’m not perfect however I have given up soda and sweet tea. I have learned way late in life to find all that I can, take what works and keep the rest handy. You never know when you can use it.
From an old Seabee thank you for your service.
Skill comes from diligence.


:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Oct 15, 2007
Grand Forks, ND
I have learned way late in life to find all that I can, take what works and keep the rest handy. You never know when you can use it.

I first heard this from an old timer years ago and I've found it to be true in my case also.

Eating beef will oftentimes spike my pain levels way up there. It usually hits me the next day. Not all beef does it. I think it has a lot to do with what they were injected with and how the beef was killed. Sometimes, my legs are weakened from beef. Pork and chicken never does that.

Years ago, I read about a billionaire from Japan who photographs everything he eats and drinks. And, he keeps records of it. If something makes him feel different, he can easily look back and see what it was, take notes, and eliminate it from his diet.

JJ Roberts

:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Nov 10, 2006
Manassas, VA
I purchased a Teeter Hang Up and have not been in need to see a chiropractor and have two engraving vise's set ups one for sitting and one for standing,found standing while engraving work for me,no back problems. J.J.


Elite Cafe Member
Jan 24, 2015
jefferson city Missouri
I purchased a Teeter Hang Up and have not been in need to see a chiropractor and have two engraving vise's set ups one for sitting and one for standing,found standing while engraving work for me,no back problems. J.J.
thsnks JJ i think doc and i are just a little further along than that. but tell more about your standing set up please.
Skill come from dilligence.

JJ Roberts

:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Nov 10, 2006
Manassas, VA
gcleaker,When I first started engraving I found sitting at a stationery vise with H&C was't working for me had to keep moving the vise around to complete a scroll,built a pedestal mounted the vise and was able to walk around and cutting a scroll in one pass with out stopping.Also stand while using power assist.Hope this is of help for you. J.J.


Elite Cafe Member
Jan 24, 2015
jefferson city Missouri
gcleaker,When I first started engraving I found sitting at a stationery vise with H&C was't working for me had to keep moving the vise around to complete a scroll,built a pedestal mounted the vise and was able to walk around and cutting a scroll in one pass with out stopping.Also stand while using power assist.Hope this is of help for you. J.J.
yes i did JJ thanks.


Staff member
::::Pledge Member::::
Feb 11, 2007
washington, pa
i can understand all that has been posted here. i've been thru multiple surgeries myself. including brain surgery--( yes, they found one) and i'm to the point now that i almost do no hand engraving. fortunately i do machine and laser engraving. just enuff to keep me off the streets and out of jail.


Elite Cafe Member
Jan 24, 2015
jefferson city Missouri
Monk it keeps sounding like I’m simply looking at a hard row to hoe. And no, I will not let them try any brain cutting on me because old girl says I don’t have one either. And she is never wrong, just ask her.:beerchug:
Skill comes from diligence.


Elite Cafe Member
Jan 24, 2015
jefferson city Missouri
For anyone out there that may have any interest, the knife fight that my surgeon had with was successful and was completed without incident. He did have to put a few extra screws in as the C-3 was in bad shape, I may have waited too long. So, from now on if someone tells me I have a screw loose they may be right. I was off all pain killers and muscle relaxers after four days. The bad part is that on the 15th I was able to hold a pen long enough for the middle of the month bills. Talk about cruel and unusual punishment!!! But all kidding aside being able to hold a pen and be able to write any word without dropping the pen is a big deal to me.
I want to thank all of you that have showed support with thoughts and prayers and P.M. You guys are great.
Gregory Leak
Skill comes from diligence.


Elite Cafe Member
Jan 24, 2015
jefferson city Missouri
Yesterday afternoon after my last post on the café, I went downstairs to my studio and sharpened a new graver. I just missed being in my studio and said what the hell and turned on the compressor and tried to cut a straight-line. The simple act holding the 901 handset was an incredible challenge. The key word was (is)to try, and try, and try some more. I had watched Tsu Ifan Videos earlier yesterday, that are posted on Pilkguns and had a aha moment, yes like a bolt of lightning. Tsu had talked about “diligence within whatever he wanted to be great at or was drawn to enjoy”. I like him have this defect, I like him came a crossed an old practice plate not from a few months but a few years back. My strait lines started to look ok bad, a little inconsistent, narrow, wide, deep, shallow just like when I started.
So now is this my second chance? Starting completely over developing my hand, eye, foot, muscle memory? Is this a blessing in disguise? Yes, even a new chance and having all my experience to draw from, trail and error on so many levels already learned.
I have never read what the requirements are to become a master engraver, so I think today will be the day that I do. When I started to engrave I just wanted to become known as a skilled engraving artisan, believing that a master’s title was beyond me because I am not a pencil and paper artist, it still may be. But I have been ending my posts for some time now with a quote Skill comes from diligence. I believe this to be true.
Skill comes from diligence.
gregory leak

Jahn Baker

Elite Cafe Member
Mar 22, 2008
Cottonwood, AZ - USA
Gods speed to you as well, Greg. That's one heck of a speed bump. Diligence, perseverance and orneriness, with a dash of diet alteration and a smidgeon of faith ought to do the trick. sure wish you all the best.

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