Sam and GRS saved the day at Las Vegas !!

Mike Dubber

Elite Cafe Member
Nov 10, 2006
Evansville, IN
The thing is, Andrew......that's how I found Lee! Moreover, that's how I cold have found you if you had been at SCI. Can you imagine all three of you together, it would have very been like the seeing Luxor at night.

For the rest of you..........Lee was engraving on REAL GUNS at the show. Lee Griffiths and one other engraver (from Belgium) were the only two working engravers on the five acre show floor. The rest of us (engravers) were just showing our finished work.


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 10, 2006
West Grove, PA
What happened to you is everyones nightmare every time we display at a show. I am amazed at how many people dont't understand a simple sign that says "PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH". I have had people move the siggn aside so they can pick up the gun. My favorite was a man sticking his index finger down the muzzle of a shotgun so he can see what the choke was. Then when you call them out on it they get belligerant like who the hell do we think we are.
You just cant fix stupid as they say
Glad you were able to repair the damage and a big congratulations on the succes of the rifle. Hopefully see you at the Denver show this coming may

Ed Westerly

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Mar 16, 2011
southern California
Back to those micro brushes. Thanks for the info on where to get them. I first saw one (got one in my packet) at the Grand Masters at GRS with Lovenburg, but no one could tell me where they came from. Now I can replace the one I have worn to a nub!!


:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Oct 15, 2007
Grand Forks, ND
Back to those micro brushes. Thanks for the info on where to get them. I first saw one (got one in my packet) at the Grand Masters at GRS with Lovenburg, but no one could tell me where they came from. Now I can replace the one I have worn to a nub!!

Mine just came in the mail today! (My name is Doc... I'm a Toolaholic...) :)
I suppose I'll have to join TA some day! :)

As long as I was ordering from Micro-Mark, I "had" to order a set of pounce wheels too. They send a catalog along with the order I almost hate to open. I'm addicted I guess.