The main thing is to get a good composition with the birds, after this I create the scene as I go along, but it has to be balanced and with good white/grey/black.
I don't see an image on this post. Anyone have any ideas why. I'm signed in and can see them on other posts. I love Phil's work and would really like to view his work. Thanks in advance, for any assistance. (I running an Acer Aspire and Windows 7.)
Beautiful design, crisp engraving (we expect no less). Thanks for sharing and the progression. I LOVE your variation of the running leaf border! It becomes exquisite rather than mundae.
PS. Just been told that there's another gun due shortly for the "African Hunter Series." "Products of Excellence" Holland & Holland, I believe I posted the previous four many years ago.
Phil, an absolute delight to wake up and have this come across the screen. It is a marvelous way to start the morning. Bravo, kudos, and about every other worthy adjective I can think of.