Idaho Flint
Elite Cafe Member
Mike, Beautiful gun, I really love the coach scene. You really hit it out of the ball park on this one.
Colt has an ingenious way of forming the inside parts so that they pivot and turn on hidden axles within the frame. The Trigger Guard and Backstrap actually hold these parts in place by compression as the gun is assembled. It takes few special tools to put the gun together, and you have to hold everything carefully while taking it apart so the small coil springs don't fly!
Re: Ink-and Bake - this is nothing more complicated than using Speedball block printing ink to back fill all the cuts. This ink is oil base, so it dries very slowly. To speed the hardening, I place to parts in a small oven heated to about 200 degrees for an hour or so.
Bill,Just put the part in a large glass dish and stick in the oven 200 degrees and your good to go. J.J.