Stainless watch case

Brian Marshall

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
Stockton, California & Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico
Wow! Not much to say to that... other than that it sure didn't look much like what I wrote ;)

I'm quite sure you will learn.

10,000 hours to mastery is not something I made up. The people who did so are far far smarter than me.

Perhaps a Malcolm Gladwell audiobook on youtube might be worthy of your consideration?

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Elite Cafe Member
Mar 24, 2009
Well you don't need to be a chef to make a passable Xmas dinner but it might taste abit better if you were :D

No candles used much nowadays but some available if required, & certainly no panic if the internet is down for a while..unlike the younger folks that can't function without.
It's not rocket science & do give it a go..when you hit a problem & can solve it then your getting somewhere..then make a mental note of why/how & over time it'll help you get a sixth sense of what to do/not to do & when.

Thanks for the interesting inputs.:)
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~ Elite 1000 Member ~
May 10, 2013
Laredo, Texas
It's not rocket science & do give it a go..when you hit a problem & can solve it then your getting somewhere..then make a mental note of why/how & over time it'll help you get a sixth sense of what to do/not to do & when.

Thanks for the interesting inputs.:)

Now there is some very good advice! From someone that has SHOWN thier beautiful work! And inspires peolple to try to reach his level of expertise. Thank you Chris Guns, Knives & More


Elite Cafe Member
Aug 10, 2008
Eastern, Washington State
Nice sign! Unfortunately. it doesn't address having to replace somebodies $5000.00 watch/diamond/firearm when you have made a mistake that could have been avoided by a little hands on instruction.

I certainly didn't get the same feel from Brian's post that you did. I believe that a little training can go a long way in education, and you tube/books don't deal directly and personally with what mistakes can be made, what to do when you make a mistake, and how to avoid making a mistake. It is personal, and a lot depends on how deep your pockets are.

Jan Hendrik

Elite Cafe Member
Jan 24, 2014
Pretoria, South Africa
Most interesting thread with some varied and very valid opinions.
Here is my take on things.
Each individual has their own capacity for learning based on their natural talent, enthusiasm, guidance and time spent practising. Not everyone learn at the same speed. Some can do it in a year, others in 5-10 years. Some just never get anywhere at all. We are all different and unique and an industry standard is impossible to determine.
Setters tip for the day:
Use an old worn beading tool, wet the tip on your tongue and touch the tip to the crown area of the stone you want to pick up. The stone will instantly stick to the tip of the beading tool. Now you can easily place the stone in the mount for setting. Works great for 0.8mm to 2mm stones!

Brian Marshall

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
Stockton, California & Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico
I think that there were a couple of assumptions made that led to the diatribe above...

The first was mine. When Chris mentioned 20 years, my mind clicked on Malcolm Gladwell's theory of the 10,000 hours - 10 years and I responded to Chris's post with that in mind, (tongue in cheek) comparing the amount of time he must have invested with what Gladwell has proposed as "average".

Gladwell did leave room for exceptions and prodigies... which will always turn up. We are, after all, bound by the laws of nature - which is full of exceptions to it's own "rules".

The assumption that I made was that most people had heard of the Gladwell theory since it was proposed some years ago and discussed and argued over by most professions, trades and educators. Some agreed, some don't.

I apologize for making that assumption. You get to thinking that everyone on the planet reads, watches or listens to the same things and it is just not true. For example - I have no clue as to what people are talking about when they refer to a television show...

We went off into the subjects of modern day tools and youtube videos and their impact on the learning curve.

The second assumption would have been Carlos's... that what I wrote about the 10,000 hour or 10 year "mastery" was in response to his previous post. It was not. Had absolutely nothing to do with him.

Later Carlos came in with his post about the benefits of the GRS classes. Fine, nothing wrong with that. They do have great classes, I see people who have been to them all the time. They have a list of varied instructors too.

However, there are at least 15 or 20+ "independent" engraving and stonesetting instructors also out there. I am one of them.

Most of us can put an Enset, a Lindsay, and a GRS setup on a bench side by side - and let the students decide what works for them, their wallet and their level of expertise. Half a dozen of us were former GRS instructors. Most of us can offer skills and experiences that can meet or exceed what they offer.

Each of us has our own personal preferences or as in my case contributing factors. I have used ALL of the brands and still do to this day. I am quite happy that there is competition because we all benefit from that!

I am a cripple these days. I engrave and set stones with my arm hanging in a sling from the ceiling - and I must deal with that as well. Being able to choose among ALL the components currently available for my own bench situation was a "career saver". That is what enabled me to "stay in the game".

So there it is. My explanation of how this thread got derailed - and my apology for the assumption that I made, thinking that most knew what I was referring to.

As a result, my "tongue in cheek" mention of 10,000 hours went where it did.

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Brian Marshall

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
Stockton, California & Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico

You are quite welcome to my apology and explanation of the assumption that I made - but you seem to have forgotten that there were TWO assumptions made here.

Mine being that I thought more people knew about the 10,000 hour "rule" (if it is indeed a rule) and would get my sense of humor in using it the way I did.

Yours was an unintelligible vitriolic response to what I would guess you took as a personal affront - when in fact it was not. It was just one of my many oblique jokes that went awry.

I thought Chris might see that, but apparently neither he nor anyone else did.... oh well. On to the next joke...

I am amazed that someone as enamored of the Internet as you profess to be - would not simply enter "10,000 hours to mastery" into your favorite sources of truth, knowledge and inspiration.

Both google and youtube would have instantly provided clarity, and perhaps you might have even understood why I brought it up in the first place. Too late now.

I was unable to make much sense of what you wrote, as it didn't seem to have much to do with what I had written?

I'm still puzzled about what part the US Army and breaking things has to do with the forum, the subject of my post, the other posts in this thread or hand engraving?

Different thought processes, I suppose...


I guess I could "grow up" a little more, if I could afford some HGH, (google it) but there is no other way that I know of to do that at my age?

My drivers license says I am 6 foot tall. I don't really want to disabuse them - but I think I have shrunk a bit over the decades... gravity does that...

“Explaining humor is a lot like dissecting a frog, you learn a lot in the process, but in the end you kill it.” ― Mark Twain


The shoe fit as I can see, at times I find your one of those naysayers that says everything takes 20 years to learn, when in actuality you never stop learning, no matter if you've been doing it for 1 or 50 years you're always learning, everything is doable if you really apply yourself to it, some can have it in 6 months someone in five years but don't say that everything takes 10 years to learn, or somewhere to that effect.

Whether you like it or not there's the advent of the internet that you are using right now to communicate there's grs for example that speeds up the learning curve whether you like it or not. Just accept it. Instead of shooting people down on how long you think it should take, you should encourage to learn.

If I read that someone wanted to learn something I would congratulate them and let them know that there are classes such as grs out there, that will set them in the right path with proven tools regardless if they are the ones you prefer or not, that are proven, battle tested that will get the job done. Yes there is others but I'm not in the Army anymore in the Army if it was working we would break it to fix it this aint that situation anymore.

You have had this issue before with other people who have called you out on it, I think you should put a stop to it and grow up.

Here is where you write a response and change and manipulate your original thoughts that on one really cares about. I will take a grs class i will learn and i guarantee you it will not take 10 years to get proficient, not master level like Chris but good enough, the rest comes with time.

I'm off to watch a video on jewelry:D

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