Hello Gentleman, As I am still in my infancy of this art but strive to one day take on projects in my free time, I’m having trouble determining the value of this piece a co-worker requested. I believe to know the importance of getting some of my work out into the world and forming relationships with those who have an appreciation for such things. So my question is should one “starting out” price a piece to simply get it out there and judge it on appearance only “say 10$“ or factor in about four hours of work and call it 20$?
To clarify I currently ”Blank out“ pennies leaving a canvas on which to engrave as just a passion hobby. My co-worker asked if I could do a One dollar coin he intends on using as a golf ball marker and this is the result. Thanks for your time and any insights and/or critiques are very welcome. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
To clarify I currently ”Blank out“ pennies leaving a canvas on which to engrave as just a passion hobby. My co-worker asked if I could do a One dollar coin he intends on using as a golf ball marker and this is the result. Thanks for your time and any insights and/or critiques are very welcome. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.