Critique Request Yet another drawing attempt.

Dani Girl

:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
May 6, 2012
NSW, Australia.
I haven't read the other replies... but try filling most of the space with just three scrolls... starting where you started and then going up and to the left as you have... then another big one going right. (Or is that 2?) :) Somewhere on this forum you will find the 10 commandments of engraving... thou shalt not have larger scrolls than the one you started with but either gradually get smaller or keep all of one size. And nine other laws I forget. You have the idea though. Put big scrolls in there... then put some big leaves in... study other engravers leaves... break them apart... disect them ... reverse engineer them... trace them... your brain has to teach your hand how to do this but your hand will get the idea eventually.


Staff member
::::Pledge Member::::
Feb 11, 2007
washington, pa
the book by lee griffiths explains this rather simply. theres 4 basic lines to most engravings. they are
spine, hook, "s" line, and scroll. as he shows, these 4 simple lines-- variously combined, can produce some really great results. 4 lines ! the job of taking these lines and combining into a graceful design seems daunting, but some day it will happen. you will be pleased. much great advice here-- that of not going into complexity before you're ready, is good advice. if you can't hit the bullseye, why worry about the x ring ?
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