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Hi Chris,
Where do I start...there is information on this and Steve Lindsays forum,
Do a bit of searching tools, tuition, there's lots of information, take a bit at a time until it starts to sink in, then decide what kind of tools you want and can afford, ie. push graver or power graver, GRS or Lindsay.
Let me know how you get on.

Jerry, I have done such engraving in the past. I don't copy factory work but will do my own style in the same coverage and basic idea of the factory work. You can call me at 435 259 8131 any day this week as I will be here. If I don't answer, leave a message and I will get back to you. I don't have any photos of the coverage you are interested in so would need something to give me an idea of the design before I can make any kind of estimate. I am currently booked through this year so I could not work on your project until probably the middle or next year. Sam
Carl, I had a message from you but when I went to read it the thing disappeared. Can you send it again?
I made myself a sharpening device. It is very simular to the Lindsay thing. I have never seen one eccept in a picture, but I made a prototype. It works very well. I made several out of wood at first and then , I used aluminum and a bolt. Drilled a hole the length of the bolt and put a square brass tubing in the hole, and soldered it in Then I put in a set screw to hold the graver. Then a pin to hold the bolt in position. By flipping it over I can put the heel on also. I need to tune it up a bit. Getting the aluminum tube and the alignment pin both straight and lined up is the trick. I have no intention of selling it and infringing on his patent but I will use the one I made for myself. Having a lot of fun making it. That is what I do. I hate the Crocker thing. I am going to re design that thing too and build one. I have to. Just to see if I can. I love to build and fix things. .
Hi Mack, I know what you mean about the cold, when my hands get cold they hurt so bad I have to hold them under hot water but at least I can work with them in a few minutes. Sometimes when it's cool in my heated shop I wear thin baseball gloves to keep the metal ball vise from sucking the heat out of my hands. Don't worry about sending me anything for the tools it was my pleasure. Keep checking in at next week when Steve Lindsay gets my 4 new sharpening templates done Ill be giving a lot of tips on different ways of sharpening. If you sign up over there I would like you on my friends list. keep warm,Carl
Hi there. Are you the mandolin tailpiece engraver?
Weldon has some great work on display.
Carl, Sorry I haven't gotten back to you about the gravers you sent. This cold weather has me down with my back. Good thing I don't live in Ohio huh. I have no heat in my garage and it is in the twenties and thirties here. As soon as I can make handles for them I will try them out. Send me your address again please, I must have thrown away the envelope they came in. I want to re imburse you for the postage. It is the least I can do. You have helped me a lot. Thank you so much. Mack.
Hey Magnus has you any idee where i can find the style engelska 111 vivica BT for my computer whit Windows XP can you help me????
With regarde
From your brother

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