Pledge Membership...or the lack thereof...

Feb 27, 2008
New Orleans
Thank you to Mitch for being right and THANK YOU to Mr. Sam! for providing this educational and entertaining site. Thank you too to all the guys and gals from beginners to the masters who bring so much to the conversation every day that the rest of us quiet types always benefit from.

I love the Cafe, CaroL

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Jul 27, 2007
I think a flat fee of, say $10/yr., to help defray internet costs, would work for me.
As far as not receiving answers, unless I cough up some dough, well Mitch, I doubt I need your "expertise" anyway.
Belittling people with your "Perceived" rules,Not Sam's, as his clearly state that the Pledge is for selling your used equipment.
I would also like to be able to post a few shots of my work in the future,but can't because this forum and android have an on again-off again relationship., at least in my case.

A texas cowboy, I would think that Mitch' expertise could pretty much be a benefit to anyone. I think you shot yourself in the foot on that one. There is more to his post than meets the eye and I don't think you understand why Mitch posted it.
Mitch you nailed it with your comments.


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 11, 2006
outside Albany in SW GA
I have been a member from the first. At the time The Lindsay forum was for users only and only information regarding his tools was allowed. MSN had a board and the was probably our biggest point of contact. I had worked alone for a number of years, roughly 15 or so. That is a lot of trial and error, mostly error. I believe I am in the running for top ten posters, Try not to critique unless asked. Occasionally try to help without being asked through private message. I spend easily an hour a day on the site because I check it on breaks from the bench. Sam is the far and away the top contributor in a comment or some advise. He is a full time engraver, GRS and private instructor. He travels to GRS functions to promote their products and engraving in general. He enjoys playing music with Miss Abigail. To be honest I don't see how he can fit in the management of this forum into life. I am fairly confidant that he reads all the posts to determine if his input will be helpful, If he must intervene, or just to participate in the discussion. Where he finds the time boggles my mind. Anything any of us can help with will be genuinely appreciated. I know as I have sent him numerous personal emails and he always responds with thoughtful, insightful, and genuine caring. How Miss Abigail puts up with us is remarkable. Thank you Sam for many hours of enjoyment and companionship I have found on your forum. Thank all of you for the wisdom shared. The Café is a Welcoming place. I see my pledge has expired I'll take care of that right away. Fred


Elite Cafe Member
Feb 13, 2012
Guess you're right Haraga.
I don't care to spend time interpreting postings.
Just cut the B.S. and say what's on your mind !


:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Oct 15, 2007
Grand Forks, ND
I don't care to spend time interpreting postings.
Just cut the B.S. and say what's on your mind !

That can come back to bite you sometimes. I've had it happen elsewhere on other forums, emails, PM's, etc. as what I say can get misinterpreted. Most people tend to "read into" what was actually said. So, I try to tread lightly if possible.

Sam doesn't have to provide a forum for hand engravers. All this could go away in a flash if he decided to pull the plug some day. With 99.07% of forum members being users and only 0.93% being givers (when it comes to helping out Sam financially) I find it appalling. :(

$25.00 per year (or more if you can) is a small price to pay to bring the entire world of hand engravers into your home or place of business. You can hardly go out for a meal for twenty-five bucks! Do you have 7 cents per day to spare? I'm guessing most people do.

The world is full of takers with few being givers. Let's all think about that. If anyone can find it in themselves to spare $25.00... do it TODAY while it's fresh in your mind. PayPal or snail mail... it's up to you. (YOU being the collective 99.07%)
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~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Jul 27, 2007
Maybe Sam could put up a video with a movie star holding a graver in one hand and a starving African baby in the other arm. The star would say "for just seven cents a day....."
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don hicks

Elite Cafe Member
Mar 16, 2011
Pictou,Nova Scotia,Canada
Just became a pledge member, hope that drives the number up past 90. Just as a suggestion, why not put a button on the main screen (Become a pledge member) or something in that line. Putting the pledge membership info on the Buy&Sell screen eliminates those who don't plan to sell on the form from finding it. Lets make it as easy to become a pledge member as possible.
I for one think it is the biggest bargains on the internet.
Thanks to all who contribute their time and knowledge.


Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
Just became a pledge member, hope that drives the number up past 90. Just as a suggestion, why not put a button on the main screen (Become a pledge member) or something in that line. Putting the pledge membership info on the Buy&Sell screen eliminates those who don't plan to sell on the form from finding it. Lets make it as easy to become a pledge member as possible.
I for one think it is the biggest bargains on the internet.
Thanks to all who contribute their time and knowledge.

Thanks for your support, Don.

I don't know how to make it any more obvious than it already is, since the first sticky at the top of the page is PLEDGE MEMBERSHIP.

Like I said, I don't push people to do this. It's optional unless you want to sell something in the Buy & Sell forum and then it's mandatory.

For the first few years I did it from my own pocket but things had to change when we went to a private server which greatly improved forum performance. It was then I started asking for donations and selling banner ads to offset the cost.


Elite Cafe Member
Feb 13, 2012
Today's political correctness dictates an Ebola Zombie baby.
Can't you see Cruze cradling one of those !

don hicks

Elite Cafe Member
Mar 16, 2011
Pictou,Nova Scotia,Canada
You will have to beat me over the head with a pledge membership sign. I didn't notice that sticky and I have been on this site form quite a number of visits.


Sep 11, 2007
Having bought most of the tools, videos, books that members and the owner of this site sell in the main forum and some that were advertised on the banners... I can say that I have given more than enough. Perhaps those that sell outside the buy and sell forums should up their donation level. ;)

Also there needs to be a multi-year donation to help alleviate the forgetfulness. I always opt for the three to 5 year over the 1 year on other sites/memberships. If there was a Lifetime pledge membership for x dollars, some would opt in.
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Ron Spokovich

Elite Cafe Member
Dec 27, 2012
As soon as my Social Insecurity check arrives, I'll be forwarding a donation for Pledge membership. Now that I have a mailing address, that clears that issue up. I agree with Mitch's initial post, and was surprised to see the low number of Pledge members. Some, like me, are in the 'not wealthy' class, but I know that some DO have more than enough even to forward some paltry amount. Sam can look forward to my check sometime in the beginning of next month, unless I croak in the mean time.


Dec 15, 2012
Okinawa, Japan
Thank you to all that contribute your wealth of information for all the people trying to learn engraving. I Have been using the site for about a year now and I am guilty as charged for not paying attention to the pledge membership, I thought it was only for selling items on the forum. I am stationed in japan and this and the engraving forum have been my information to go to pages to learn how to engrave. I have purchased books, videos and watch all the you tube videos I can find but the forums by far contain more information that I have found. thank you again for you knowledge!


Elite Cafe Member
Mar 24, 2009
Maybe Sam could put up a video with a movie star holding a graver in one hand and an starving African baby in the other arm. The star would say "for just seven cents a day....."

I find it abit ironic that "starving Africans" are actually financially better off than most of those that feel sorry for them & donate.

I just chipped in what I can spare for now since I enjoy reading the forum :)

Dani Girl

:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
May 6, 2012
NSW, Australia.
The Engravers Cafe is nothing short of a TREASURE and one of those rare things in life that makes it better in many ways.

Thank you Sam. (I'll second that)

I'm personally glad that it's not obligatory, it makes for a very welcoming and friendly environment when we can all get on here and learn and share what we know, making new friends, and being privileged to get to know artists/engravers who have gone before us.

I'm glad that I can support this wonderful resource, this social environment, this place we can all sit down with a coffee and chat, our cafe.

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