a somewhat disturbing trend...


Elite Cafe Member
Jan 6, 2015
NW Ohio
the newbies see the beautiful work & want to do it , "now". don't start out with a hammer & chisel & try to learn with a few books etc.Don't take time to learn basics, jump to the head of the class sort of thing. It's the instant gratification era. it's a sad state of affairs but technology has fueled this "laziness" imho.:hammer:

Ron Jr.

Elite Cafe Member
Dec 30, 2009
Viroqua, WI
I can't help but chime in on this type of subject. What causes some to just ask before doing due diligence in the research dept...... I have no idea. You should never blindly trust ANY answers to a question you have IMO. You should want to see, read, hear and review as many answers to your question/s as is possible. Can you get confused by conflicting data? Sure, but if you research throughly you can quickly pick out the general trends/answers to your question/s allowing you to take that first step and proceed intelligently..... Is it that certain personality types seek to learn and experiment endlessly while others just want to "do" and hope that magically after minimal learning that they are masters right from the get go...... I am ever thankful to my Mother (a now retired librarian) who answered almost all of my childhood questions with "Look it up".

People believing the first and only thing they learn about anything causes innumerable problems in this world IMO.....

Everyone is allowed their own opinion..... I couldn't disagree more. Everyone is, however, allowed their own INFORMED opinion.


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 10, 2006
Eden, NC
I've been engraving for more than thirty years, off and on, and I still rely on the tips sections, if nothing more than to refresh my memory.


Dani Girl

:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
May 6, 2012
NSW, Australia.
Mission Statement
The Engraver's Cafe is an online community of hand engravers, jewelers, artists, carvers, scrimshanders, collectors, and craftsmen dedicated to the exchange of ideas and information relating to all aspects of the hand engraving art. Our mission is to provide a relaxed and friendly forum where friends from all over the world gather and share tehnique, photos, tips and tricks, while extending a helping hand to those starting their hand engraving journey.


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Jun 22, 2011
Paige, TX
Good one Dani... Guess that means stupid questions that have been asked 100 times...


Jul 17, 2013
upstate NY
A rough kinda crude idea. 5$ life membership on the cafe, then you can post and view pics. Sam would get a kitty started to keep this going and hopefully more will trickle in. Non-users can read posts but not see pics, be able to search as a non member and not be able to post untill they pay. Then still keep the pledge member status for donations. If someone wanting to start wont spend 5$ for a few gravers on ebay they probally wont pay to ask the same questions. Just a idea


Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
A rough kinda crude idea. 5$ life membership on the cafe, then you can post and view pics. Sam would get a kitty started to keep this going and hopefully more will trickle in. Non-users can read posts but not see pics, be able to search as a non member and not be able to post untill they pay. Then still keep the pledge member status for donations. If someone wanting to start wont spend 5$ for a few gravers on ebay they probally wont pay to ask the same questions. Just a idea

Some forums require paid membership to upload photos. If you're not paid, then you have to host the photos from Flickr, Photobucket, or another outside source. I really do not want to go that route, but at the same time our database continues to grow like mad. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Bob A

Elite Cafe Member
Jan 25, 2014
Mission Statement
The Engraver's Cafe is an online community of hand engravers, jewelers, artists, carvers, scrimshanders, collectors, and craftsmen dedicated to the exchange of ideas and information relating to all aspects of the hand engraving art. Our mission is to provide a relaxed and friendly forum where friends from all over the world gather and share tehnique, photos, tips and tricks, while extending a helping hand to those starting their hand engraving journey.

Ah. "RTFM" at it's absolute finest. Well done, Danae. :)


You must understand, young Engravling, it takes a long time to say anything in Old Engravish. (Treebeard, LOTR)
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:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Jun 3, 2013
I am still a newbie and took a class with JJ Roberts, I continue to search and learn. Practice drawing and read a lot of books. This is my second year of learning. I think taking it slow and do not rush is the best way. Take a class from an experienced engraver will help many questions. I am grateful for this forum for the help and inspiration it gives me. Thank You. Slow and steady wins the race with less mistakes. Dan Bolick


New Member
May 28, 2015
Hello, I am an extremely private person and have been a long time lurker too this forum. I was a member of another non related engraving forum were the top poster had well over 12,000 post. If you went and checked his post they were all one or two liners, "great job" "Like" when he could have just hit the like button on the bar on the bottom of the post. I guess my point being is that some people being new wish to have some post out there to get that "junior" member off or wish to be seen? Me I don`t care, I have used the search function and have found everything I need or could possible hope for. Believe me if you think its not hear try changing your wording on the search, its hear. There are a ton of how to Dvd`s for sale on Amazon along with instructional books, although myself I get more out of watching it than reading it but own my share of books. Also YouTube, my gosh their are so many free videos out their its really insane. I guess I can see both points, the "Newb" God I have always hated that word! Who wants his/her name seen(for whatever reason?) And the "Old timer" who has seen the same question asked again and again and again................LOL Its kind of funny if you really think about it. Happy 4th


Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
Hello, I am an extremely private person and have been a long time lurker too this forum. I was a member of another non related engraving forum were the top poster had well over 12,000 post. If you went and checked his post they were all one or two liners, "great job" "Like" when he could have just hit the like button on the bar on the bottom of the post. I guess my point being is that some people being new wish to have some post out there to get that "junior" member off or wish to be seen?

Thanks for bringing this up. It's one of the drawbacks of having the different member statuses. Some people make endless useless "thank you" "great job" posts just to get to 1,000 post status. I've gotten a lot of complaints about it from members and I've considered doing away with it altogether.

So while I have everyone's attention, if your goal is simply to reach "Elite Member" status that's fine, but make sure your posts have substance and something worth reading.

Doc Mark

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 16, 2006
Hampton, Virginia
Oh sure!!!! After 9 years, I finally reach my 1000th post and "achieve" ELITE 1000 STATUS and you guys are talking about eliminating the categories! I suppose my bonus checks are going to be eliminated too?! But seriously, I only come here for the Kudos, (which, by the way, are really good with a nice tall glass of milk). Love ya' all. LOL


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Jul 23, 2007
I suppose my bonus checks are going to be eliminated too?!

i feel like the [insert ethnicity or national origin of choice here] hooker: "You mean to tell me you girls get paid???"

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