I didn't thoroughly read all posts so sorry if I contradict or repeat anyone.
Check the post on here by searching Leica review. Sam Alfano did a great comparison review of the Leica which I have and love and the meji.
I don't know much about the Enset but I have heard good things and particularly for stone setting because you can control the hits down to making it do one tap at a time. That's immense control.
I use a palm control and love it. I have never tried stone setting. I think the foot control would achieve very nearly as good results in a practiced hand. You have the advantage of being able to push without the palm control starting to tap when using the foot control.
Grs is a great system also. They have a model which has the air compressor in it... their oldest design I think. Slightly noisy from what I have heard but I am sure it's not that bad ??
Don't buy the knock off gravers.
Up to you on the vises... I have seen and used both and the knock off a are not as high quality but we'll... they vise. If you stick it on a quality turntable you would be OK. For jewellery though I would the microblock or Lindsays low profile microscope vise which doesn't turn but it's made to be used on a turntable under a microscope. You need a turn table to work under a scope. Folk on here have built them. For the price shimpo turntables are meant to be good.
Grs has a good range of power in the adjustments on the box... get the right handpiece for the kind of work you are doing though... some won't go fine enough.
Lindsay had a good range of power too by using the different pistons he sells... the handpieces with the adjustment collar ... and by altering the psi.
If you can get scuba tanks or paintball canisters of co2 or compressed air and run the Lindsay and pieces off them and scrap the need for the air compressor. I take my micro block. My Palm control and my bycycle tire co2 cartridges to knife shows and do demos.
Can anyone link this chap some videos of the different tools in use ... ???????? Stone setting especially.
Good luck with your decision
Thanks Dani,
Nice information you shared there. Thank you for taking time for it.
I would love to go for a leica scope but its expensive. It dosent support trinocular scope where i can setup a video camera. Meiji has it and I love showing what I am doing to my buyers.
Knock-offs are off the subject as many here have said so.
At the moment Im studying the GRS and Lindsay systems and I will check the Enset as well. Since Im a setter rather than a graver I think Enset have much to offer as well. The problem is I cant test any system in my country so this is going to be an informed buying decision purely based on the information I gather from the internet.
Good idea on the air cannister thing. How long could you run from single can ? It seems doable since compressors are somewhat expensive.