This does not look like a beginner...........Very nice indeed, I really like the layout smooth and very appealing to the eye.......This may be your first gun but me thinks you have been engraving for a while.....
Your cutting looks very clean. The composition needs a bit of work, but no doubt that will develop in time. I think you're doing really well. Are you going to shade the lever action?
I bought the gun for my daughter a few years ago. I got the cover in class but waited awhile to attempt it. She said she likes it without shading , but I need the practice so I probably will opt to add some shading cause it is such a simple design and to me looks unfinished. Shading is something I am not real confident in . Knowing what and how much I hope will come with study and practice. I plan to take more classes in the future.
Thank you Sam for looking.
I can't believe this is your first attempt after the GRS class. I like the depth you achieved. For me, i try to keep the direction of the scrolls constant instead of one group of scrolls colliding with another group of scrolls. If that makes sense.