Sams Videos!


Elite Cafe Member
Mar 17, 2016
Spencerport, NY
I've been meaning to buy the video on Scroll design, Scroll engraving and Lettering for a while now, and over the weekend Sam made it impossible to say no!

I have watched every minute of them, and I can honestly say that if you're a beginner at this and you're wondering if these are a good investment, stop wondering and buy them!

These are SO GOOD, that even if you cannot afford them, it would be worth it to stand on the street corner with a cardboard sign emblazoned with "I'm not homeless, but I need money for Sam Alfanos Videos... please give generously"

Worth every single penny! :drawing:


Elite Cafe Member
Aug 4, 2016
Atlanta Ga
That was the first video I got and it was a perfect choice. I got the lettering video yesterday and recommend it highly also, even for beginners. So much good fundamental info there, especially the shading segment in the leaf scroll chapter.


Elite Cafe Member
Mar 17, 2016
Spencerport, NY
I have avoided lettering like the plague... Sams Lettering video gave me the confidence to take a stab at ribbon script, and here's a photo of the first lettering I have EVER even attempted!

I can honestly say that the video so clearly defined what needed to be done, that I dove in, and the results are pretty good if I do say so myself. It was WAY easier than I had imagined it to be.

This is a brass plated comb... seems like Aluminum under there, it's pretty soft.


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Staff member
::::Pledge Member::::
Feb 11, 2007
washington, pa
I've been meaning to buy the video on Scroll design, Scroll engraving and Lettering for a while now, and over the weekend Sam made it impossible to say no!

I have watched every minute of them, and I can honestly say that if you're a beginner at this and you're wondering if these are a good investment, stop wondering and buy them!

These are SO GOOD, that even if you cannot afford them, it would be worth it to stand on the street corner with a cardboard sign emblazoned with "I'm not homeless, but I need money for Sam Alfanos Videos... please give generously"

Worth every single penny! :drawing:

mike: i tried that. seems i needed to buy a "permit" to legally do this. the vids i have by him are just what the doctor ordered


Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
I have avoided lettering like the plague... Sams Lettering video gave me the confidence to take a stab at ribbon script, and here's a photo of the first lettering I have EVER even attempted!

I can honestly say that the video so clearly defined what needed to be done, that I dove in, and the results are pretty good if I do say so myself. It was WAY easier than I had imagined it to be.

This is a brass plated comb... seems like Aluminum under there, it's pretty soft.

:clapping: :beerchug: good job Mike!!


Elite Cafe Member
Aug 4, 2016
Atlanta Ga
Wow! I hope my first crack at lettering turns out as nicely... It so happens that my daughters name is Elizabeth, so seeing Sam cut out that name (exchanging, in my case, the "s" for a "z") is very inspiring! I have the gravers, I'm just waiting for the handles to show up. In the meantime... Gettin' down with the sketchpad....I'll be interested to see how it goes pushing by hand. I expect lots of practice with basic cuts on copper before trying to lay out her name and have a go at it.
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Elite Cafe Member
Apr 10, 2016
Baltimore Md
Great Job Mike !!!! ......., you certainly pick it up quick

I just watched the Lettering DVD and now I wish I would have picked up the scrolls one too.


Elite Cafe Member
Mar 17, 2016
Spencerport, NY
:clapping: :beerchug: good job Mike!!

Sam, you're a great teacher, even in videos from across the country! I really appreciate your approach to explaining the process. Also, your commitment to educating the next generation of engravers is something I really admire. I have MUCH respect for you and the other experts that frequent this forum to help the rest of us.

Learning engraving has been a humbling experience, but it's like any other skill... if I put in the time and do the work, the rest will follow. Developing this, or any other skill, always comes down to the two things that cannot be purchased at any price: Drive and determination.


Elite Cafe Member
Aug 4, 2016
Atlanta Ga
Mike brings up an interesting point. I know several folks, whether they are musicians, artists, welders, athletes etc. who are just naturally gifted and really don't have to work at it to be good (and in many cases, excellent!) at their craft... I don't sense that that is the case with engraving, that someone could get the "bug", and six months later be turning out professional quality work. I know that there are some who, after a couple of years (Danae and Lee G come immediately to mind...) that are very advanced but does anyone know of somebody they would classify as a "prodigy"??


Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
Mike brings up an interesting point. I know several folks, whether they are musicians, artists, welders, athletes etc. who are just naturally gifted and really don't have to work at it to be good (and in many cases, excellent!) at their craft... I don't sense that that is the case with engraving, that someone could get the "bug", and six months later be turning out professional quality work. I know that there are some who, after a couple of years (Danae and Lee G come immediately to mind...) that are very advanced but does anyone know of somebody they would classify as a "prodigy"??

No, and I really dislike the term "gifted". Every accomplished artist, musician, or engraver I've ever known has worked their asses off for years to become great at what they do. That's hardly a gift. I know there are documented cases of prodigies but I don't know any and have never seen one. Danae and Lee Griffiths are both superb engravers that have paid their dues with countless hours of bench time to become great at what they do. If they have a gift, it's the gift of perseverance.


Elite Cafe Member
Aug 4, 2016
Atlanta Ga
Most of the "prodigies" I know of are either musicians or artists and yes, many of them have taken the talent they have and worked to make it better. Others I know don't (visibly, let me say... They may be working their tails off too when nobody's around to see it!) seem to put a lot of effort into it yet are superb... In the quarter thimbleful that I know about engraving I just don't see how you could get anywhere at all WITHOUT busting your tail.. I certainly did not mean to imply that Danae and Lee haven't worked really hard to achieve what they've achieved. I read Lee's story in the latest issue of The Engraver and know better...
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Elite Cafe Member
Jun 22, 2016
San Francisco Bay Area, California
I'll add that even though I've had class work and some practice I found Sam's sharpening video to contain useful information.
For anyone just begining, particularly without course work, I'd say it is almost mandatory.


Staff member
::::Pledge Member::::
Feb 11, 2007
washington, pa
I have avoided lettering like the plague... Sams Lettering video gave me the confidence to take a stab at ribbon script, and here's a photo of the first lettering I have EVER even attempted!

I can honestly say that the video so clearly defined what needed to be done, that I dove in, and the results are pretty good if I do say so myself. It was WAY easier than I had imagined it to be.

This is a brass plated comb... seems like Aluminum under there, it's pretty soft.

teriffic job is the way i vote. looks rather elegant.


Elite Cafe Member
Mar 17, 2016
Spencerport, NY
No, and I really dislike the term "gifted". Every accomplished artist, musician, or engraver I've ever known has worked their asses off for years to become great at what they do. That's hardly a gift. I know there are documented cases of prodigies but I don't know any and have never seen one. Danae and Lee Griffiths are both superb engravers that have paid their dues with countless hours of bench time to become great at what they do. If they have a gift, it's the gift of perseverance.

I hate the term gifted, in reality, I actually despise it! I see the term in music, engraving, in fact, anyplace talent needs to be developed, you'll see the terms "gifted" and "prodigy" tossed around.

When "ungifted" people are getting frustrated by the steepness of a learning curve, then those that are better at it are often deemed "gifted"... It's easier to say that somebody ELSE has the leg up... that they are a natural at it, a prodigy... or gifted. Yeah, it's easier to say somebody ELSE is gifted than to admit that they, themselves, have not done the work to reach the same level of proficiency.

It seems like a compliment to call somebody gifted, but doesn't it really dismiss the hard work the "gifted" person had to put in to reach a higher level of excellence?

I've known some very talented people in my life, and each and every one of them reached a level of virtuoso by working much much harder than the "less gifted" folks out there. They traded their time and energy for their level of perfection, and it shows in their work, and most likely in every other area of their lives as well. A person is either dedicated to something and will do whatever it takes to make it happen, or they will not... plain and simple.

teriffic job is the way i vote. looks rather elegant.

I really appreciate that, Monk!
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Omar Haltam

Elite Cafe Member
Jan 27, 2014
Raleigh, NC
that is a beautiful engraving, keep at it
I got to start doing more lettering
it would help in my line of work.

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