For those who want to buy cheap chinese Ball vice

Brian Marshall

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
Stockton, California & Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico
China quality is all over the spectrum. Does no one here remember the days when everything that came out of Japan was considered junk? Look where that went.

There will always be people who want to cut corners and take advantage of people. I think the word for that is "greed".

And that requires a "victim" who thinks he/she can save a few dollars by buying a copy of a quality item.

But condemning every product/factory or seller no longer applies... My 1/2 hp bench grinders come to mind. I paid more for one silicon green wheel than I did for the grinder! My old USA made Black & Deckers cost upwards of $200 ea. These Chinese made ones (in service now for almost 20 years) cost me under $40ea... and the students beat the hell out of 'em!

I haven't time to write out a list of tools that are actually quite durable and accurate, but there have been many over the years - and yes, there are a few that I regret buying, but the prices were low enough that there were no great losses.

Learning which tools to trust 'em with making correctly is part of the learning process - if you go down this road.

Brian (whose S/O happens to be Chinese)

Where exactly do you think the highest percentage of graver alloys and blanks come from these days? M42 for example...
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Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
China is certainly capable of building fine products. The problem is the quality control in many factories is much to be desired. Some friends of mine who have private labeled musical instruments made in China told me that factory turnover is so great that by the time a worker develops the skills to build an instrument they leave to find employment elsewhere and their replacement has to be trained. So they're in a constant state of workers who are in the learning curve as opposed to having a highly skilled workforce. This is some factories, not all of them.

Japan was notorious for junk back in the day. Now Japanese products are highly respected. Will China ever get there? They certainly have the capabilities, but right now they're catering to Americans who want the cheapest option possible. And cheap doesn't come without risk. The time, effort, frustration, and money wasted trying to save a hundred bucks hardly makes it worth it.


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Sep 30, 2007
West TN
My neighbor works for Smith-Nephew who make artificial joints. He has spent the last 3 years in China trying to teach them how to manufacture joints for the Chinese population, who require a different configuration joint suited to their body type. His biggest obstacle has been their "social" hierarchy. A problem occurs and he attempts to make a running production change.....Wrong Wilbur. The Chinese machinist has to report this to his foreman, who reports it to the plant supervisor, who reports it to the "politboro" for discussion and consideration. Once a decision is made, it is sent back down the pipe. The line is shut down and the changes instituted. This process often takes several weeks. In the meantime, products continue to be manufactured, but sent to the scrap heap as rejects. He has been unable to sink the concept of quality control into their structure. He's throwing in the towel and retiring after his contract expires in Jan.

Steve L S

Nov 14, 2014
NSW Australia
This is a joke, right?

Brian M in post 21 said it much better but really we are talking about a scam – Rstripnieks in post 17 linked to an engravers Ball vise with GRS clearly labeled on it but it was not a GRS ball vise.

And someone here said “buy American (or Australian)â€. When my Italian Cebora welder carked it after 15 yrs of brutal and faultless service I bought a Lincoln on the recommendation of my welder B-in Law, it was advertised as the pinnacle of American welders – the thing is Chinese, and was shipped to me in a giant crate straight from China. Something closer to engraving – order a new lens for your Leica scope, and it will come from China.

Rstripnieks has done us all a favour by describing the issues in detail,and the consensus here seems to be if there is a non scammer making a ball vise in China they are either not up to a decent standard ….YET ….or we don’t know who they are.


Jul 14, 2016

This isnt the maker of the ball its just seller,you can find exact same model all over internet .maker is unknown but sellers are many ,prices vary but they cahrge 150 for shipping etc. So in the end they all end up around 300USD
I think you will never find original maker becouse if you do he would be in deep trouble using name of GRS and termoloc also they change the sticker and plate where accessories are mounted but belive me (They all are Identical from construction and accessories)

I hope I did not offended anyone,im just trying to say all the truth by reviewing theese things

this is exactly what I found, I bought a vice on Fleabay, I paid about $250? came, I was very impressed, an awesome vice, but as I was using it and needed to rotate the base it would stall, it had a tight spot, if I backed off on the tension to free spin it was great, but was way to free, I like a bit of drag, it just was NOT working, so I bought one from GRS, now I had BOTH side by side, they were IDENTICAL, in tools, tool holder, EVERYTHING!, only difference was the GRS sticker, and it was working well, I have a gut feeling that both items I bought are made by same MFG in China, but the first one was a 2nd reject from quality control..........when I had both side by side it was jaw dropping.


:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Jan 31, 2007
Castle Valley, UT in the Red Rock country
GRS/Glendo does a lot of specialty machining and manufacturing of intricately designed parts for several companies, not just engraving equipment. I was impressed with the amount of high quality CNC equipment that they have in their "shop"!


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 8, 2006
Ludington, MI
All of the GRS branded tools are made right in Emporia Kansas, a fact they are very proud of. During the class week they give a factory tour to show students just where the tools come from and how they are made.
One must be VERY careful ordering online from an unfamiliar company. There are SO many knock offs and many of them use GRS artwork to advertise. Chances are if it comes from China it is a knock off.

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