Elite Cafe Member
I was extremely honored to be able to engrave a snare drum for the Trick Drum Company of Chicago for display at the National Association of Music Merchants convention in Anaheim California last week. The drum was REALLY well liked and I was truly humbled by the compliments I received on the work.
Most often, drums are wriggle engraved, so it was treated like quite a curiosity by the other drum engravers at the show.
I think it's safe to say that without the expert guidance I have received from the folks on this forum, my engraving would be nowhere near good enough to have been able to have done this so early along in my engraving journey! I dedicate this work and offer my heartfelt thanks to all of you that have given me advice and encouragement along the way!
Most often, drums are wriggle engraved, so it was treated like quite a curiosity by the other drum engravers at the show.
I think it's safe to say that without the expert guidance I have received from the folks on this forum, my engraving would be nowhere near good enough to have been able to have done this so early along in my engraving journey! I dedicate this work and offer my heartfelt thanks to all of you that have given me advice and encouragement along the way!
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