Help, please: Hard titanium to cut

Dani Girl

:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
May 6, 2012
NSW, Australia.
Sorry everyone.

This has been covered but I'm stuck staring at a set of titanium knife scales that are the hardest thing I've tried to cut. I'm suspecting heat from the surface grinding has made it tough and more so in some spots than others.

It's challenging to get to the depth you're trying for then challenging to control it once youré there, or to go in a straight line.


Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
Dani: 6al4v is the nasty stuff. Pure (CP) Ti is good for engraving. I've only engraved Ti a couple of times and it was an unpleasant experience. The pure stuff is quite nice to cut though. You might search for posts by Arnaud as he has a lot of experience making and engraving Ti jewelry.


Elite Cafe Member
Sep 24, 2012
Santa Barbara, CA
I have engraved some very tough Kershaw knives that I think may have been 6al4v. I used Lindsay carbalt and M42 gravers. I dipped the gravers lightly into a sponge with Tap Magic cutting fluid. The oil plays havoc with the layout but I used a light coating of Grumbacher fixative and that really helps. I used a 105 V point and dubbed the tip. I experimented with quite a few dubbing variations before I found something that held up for at least several cuts before chipping and sometimes longer. Overall the job came out pretty nice but of course it takes a bit longer. Good luck!


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
May 10, 2013
Laredo, Texas
Just cut some, was and is the hardest stuff around, 120 heel and I just went increasing the face dont remeber where i ended up, used the high speed bur to remove background. Carbide graver and used tapmagic. Then just go and clean up the walls.

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Elite Cafe Member
May 20, 2007
NW Florida, USA
What David and Carlos said. I don't use lube. Don't forget to add in the titanium piston and 60 psi for your Lindsays, and long stroke if you're using the Classic. With experience and good graver technique you can make peace with Grade 5/6Al4V Titanium. Emphasis on good graver technique...

PS I charge a premium for Grade 5/6Al4V work

Dani Girl

:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
May 6, 2012
NSW, Australia.
Thanks everyone. I have never had this much trouble before. This piece is testing my patience more than usual. Usually peace can be made but this might be a day that won't happen.

I shared my concerns with the knife maker and he said keep going. I will try

Dani Girl

:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
May 6, 2012
NSW, Australia.
Ok. Tried folks suggestions... it's coming back to me. I remembered how important it is to crank the music up loud and get serious and gritty


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~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Jul 23, 2007
just yesterday i told a client, "Your pistol slide is too hard to engrave, sorry." THAT'S how i deal with things like this. :graver:

Dani Girl

:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
May 6, 2012
NSW, Australia.
Yep,... for those who are concerned for their sanity... 6al4v (aircraft grade ti) is not recommended. For the rest of us, oh why not... we're all a bit bent aren't we? Ok i'll speak for myself. There is something terribly satisfying about getting to the end of the piece, and knowing it's darn near indestructible.

I'll add any more tips to this thread if I find anything that work great for me and will check in to see if anyone else adds anything here.

Oh on the design I suggested something along these lines would look great on this maker's knives years ago and he sent me a design ready to go and said would I do it?

I virtually did tell him it was impossible but being a repeat customer I think he had more faith in my skills than I did...he told me to keep going.

Brian Marshall

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
Stockton, California & Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico
Long as YOU got paid what it was worth?

You don't need to get paid for "practice" anymore - nor do you need to prove you can do sumthin'.... (at your cost)

Normally, customers play on the "macho" thing with guys - but I suppose that was because there weren't many women doing our work back then.

They'd come into your shop with some impossible piece of cr*p job and tell you this long sad story about how the guy down the street or the next town over said he just wasn't good enough to take on that job.

If you are dumb enough to fall for it, you'll say that of course YOU can do the job because (in your head) you wanna prove to the guy that you are so much better skilled.

You'd take the bait. You'd kill yourself to prove you can DO this thing, and when you're finished - you'll lie about how hard it was or how long it took you - or both.

You usually wind up doing whatever it was for a quarter of what it was worth! Of course, the customer gets what he/she wanted - finished work that everyone with "experience" backed away from...

Takes a few years to figure out that those kinds of customers are playing you... don't let 'em. You CAN afford to "lose" a job now and then.

Just learn to say NO. Then go and do two or three jobs for double the money - in the time one of these would've taken you. Or better yet, go take a long nap, read a book - or both!

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Dani Girl

:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
May 6, 2012
NSW, Australia.
Thanks Jim.

Thanks Brian... you know me too well, I will admit it, for a girl I can be pretty macho. It's a family thing.

Flaws in the argument though... we didn't set at budget on this... he knows how much my work costs. The only person I want to prove it to is me... and I really want to see this job finished. I don't have a stack of work I can do instead of this... a few things I am still organizing... artwork to do.

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