Inkjet Transfer Recommendation


Oct 7, 2017
Del Rio, TX
I apologize for this question because I know it has been discussed at great length here and all over the internet, but the more I have read, the more confused I get about the right combinations needed for a successful transfer.

Currently, I am using and Epson Printer, the Cirelli fluid, and the pictorico sheets I've seen widely reccomended. My transfers are pretty weak...despite using black grayscale settings. Now the printer is out of yellow and will not print at all, and according to customer support, the device will not print at all if there is a dry ink cartridge of any kind, even if black grayscale is the setting used.

So my question. Can anyone who is using Cirelli fluid and pictorico sheets reccomend a printer, (and maybe specifically the ink) that produces good results? Most of the posts I have read are older, and the printers reccomended cant be found anymore. I would prefer an HP product, but would be willing to go to a different brand.




May 11, 2007
I just set up an HP Envy 5000 printer/ scanner and it works well hard wired or wireless. Cost $39.99 on sale at Office Depot.


Elite Cafe Member
Oct 10, 2010
Volant, PA 60 miles north of Pittsburgh
I use an HP ENVY 5540 printer, My ink is 62, Pictorico transparency film to print on, found on Amazon, Prismacolor 40% grey marker from Hobby Lobby to coat the metal. Make sure the marker is 40% grey, colors will not work. Make sure you print on the correct side of the transparency. It will smear if you don't. After the marker is allowed to dry tape the film over the metal and burnish. I can get three to four transfers from one printing. One last note, I remove the color print cartridge from the printer before printing.

I use this on the more important engraving projects. Otherwise I just use the old acetone transfer from paper and laser printer. I think I may have used the Prismacolor marker with baking paper and printed with a laser printer and it worked well, but you will get only one transfer.


Oct 7, 2017
Del Rio, TX
Thanks everyone for the help. I decided to run down to Walmart and pick an HP DeskJet 2652 (#65 ink) for under $40. It worked like a champ! It was MUCH darker that my epson transfers. I was also able to get 2 transfers from the same print. I didn't try anymore. Next time I get to hobby lobby, I will try that marker too. Just a note, I used denatured alcohol in lieu of the lighter fluid in my mix...if that matters. Thanks!


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Elite Cafe Member
Nov 16, 2018
I apologize for this question because I know it has been discussed at great length here and all over the internet, but the more I have read, the more confused I get about the right combinations needed for a successful transfer.

Currently, I am using and Epson Printer, the Cirelli fluid, and the pictorico sheets I've seen widely reccomended. My transfers are pretty weak...despite using black grayscale settings. Now the printer is out of yellow and will not print at all, and according to customer support, the device will not print at all if there is a dry ink cartridge of any kind, even if black grayscale is the setting used.

So my question. Can anyone who is using Cirelli fluid and pictorico sheets reccomend a printer, (and maybe specifically the ink) that produces good results? Most of the posts I have read are older, and the printers reccomended cant be found anymore. I would prefer an HP product, but would be willing to go to a different brand.


I went on ebay and got an old HP inkjet 1000. actually new old stock for like 80 bucks , the think will work with just the black ink cartridge in it. you have to use the HP ink , The other didnt work, when I bought the HP brand. it worked . Also HP sells Black PIGMENTED INK for that printer, its cheap I think it was 3 cartridges of black for $30. the Pigmented stuff works the best. I got an extra printer. if you have a hard time finding one let me know, I can sell it to you cheap, . Good luck


Staff member
::::Pledge Member::::
Feb 11, 2007
washington, pa
i use the cirelli "sauce" with an hp deskjet 5440. it works nicely with just the # 92 black. it's dedicated to transfers, and very little else. a cartridge lasts forever.
Oct 3, 2018
I apologize for this question because I know it has been discussed at great length here and all over the internet, but the more I have read, the more confused I get about the right combinations needed for a successful transfer.

Currently, I am using and Epson Printer, the Cirelli fluid, and the pictorico sheets I've seen widely reccomended. My transfers are pretty weak...despite using black grayscale settings. Now the printer is out of yellow and will not print at all, and according to customer support, the device will not print at all if there is a dry ink cartridge of any kind, even if black grayscale is the setting used.

So my question. Can anyone who is using Cirelli fluid and pictorico sheets reccomend a printer, (and maybe specifically the ink) that produces good results? Most of the posts I have read are older, and the printers reccomended cant be found anymore. I would prefer an HP product, but would be willing to go to a different brand.


One thing I've noticed, and maybe I just haven't figured out exactly how to use it correctly but the search function doesn't work all that well. Many times I've read a thread and tried to go back and find it later with keywords and I'll get nothing at all if I'm too specific or all the results are individual comments in the same couple threads. I'm not complaining but I understand asking a question like this about specifics. Especially as new printers come out each year. There should be 1 master thread of both laser printers and inkjet printers and people can only comment yes, my HP1234 works great with the 999 cartridge or no if it doesn't work. If only it were that easy, I know .

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