I have been on a lone journey into the world of engraving. I’ve been practicing in some form over the past two years but only began using a proper graver in April of this year. I am using the Lindsay sharping system, a 5$ wooden handle, a rotating ball vise, and magnifying headset. My only influence until now have been google image searches for inspiration and opinions from two trusted coworkers. I feel like reached a point hand pushing where I’m actually making something somewhat presentable. As a result I made the knowingly poor decision of purchasing a 200$ pneumatic engraving machine and handle too see if I could or should make the leap to power. I was not displeased with the resulting lessons that power has presented to me. I am now ready and confident enough to share some of my work and become a part of the engraving community. Please if anyone has any advise or notes on where my work stands now I’d love the input of anybody willing to offer it. Also any recommendations of any artist or literature to study for someone starting out would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for reading this and I am honored to welcomed into this community.